Chapter 11

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Karlie awakens to an empty bed, the untouched sheets on the other side revealing that Josh opted to sleep in the guest room. With a groan and a stretch, Karlie sits up, checking the time. 5:47 am. She's shocked that Eli slept through the night. It's rare.

She stands and makes her way to the nursery where the newborn is beginning to stir, "Hi my sweet boy, you slept good, huh?" she coos to the infant as she lifts him from his crib, and moves to the chair in the corner of the room to feed him. Levi enters shortly after, he's always been an early riser. He climbs on the chair and curls up next to Karlie with a quiet, sweet "mornin' Mama."

Karlie can never get enough of quiet mornings like these. Peaceful, serene. Just her and her boys, listening to the chirps of the birds outside as the sun begins to rise for a new day.

As she cradles Eli in her arms, Karlie feels the weight of the previous night's tension still lingering in the air. She knows she and Josh need to have a serious conversation, to address the things she has never quite told him. Yet, in this tranquil moment, with Levi's warmth pressed against her side and Eli's small hand grasping her finger, the outside world seems to fade away, leaving only the comforting rhythm of their breathing and the gentle hum of the nursery.

She brushes her lips against Eli's soft forehead, savoring the precious bond they share, the pure innocence in his every coo and gurgle. With Levi snuggled close, his small hand resting on her arm, Karlie finds solace in the simplicity of their presence, the unconditional love that radiates between them. For a moment, she allows herself to forget the complexities of her own heart, the uncertainties that look over her future.

As the first rays of sunlight peek through the window, painting the nursery in a warm, golden glow, Karlie's mind drifts to the memories of a different time, a time when she felt the same sense of peace and contentment waking up to Taylor. She wonders what her life would be like, in this exact moment, if she had made different choices, if she had followed the path that once seemed so painfully obvious.

But as Eli nuzzles closer, his tiny hand curling around her thumb, and Levi's sleepy smiles gracing his lips, she knows that, regardless of the past, this moment is all that truly matters. The love she feels for her children, the unbreakable bond that ties them together, is a force that transcends any doubts or regrets. With a gentle sigh, she leans back into the chair, letting the morning envelop them in its quiet embrace, cherishing the simple joy of being present in the beauty of this moment with her precious boys.

With Levi and Eli dressed and ready for the day, the three make their way downstairs for breakfast. Expecting to find Josh at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, she is instead greeted by an empty, dark kitchen. She turns the lights on and does a quick sweep of the counters, looking for a note explaining his early departure, only to turn up empty-handed.

She sighs and pulls out her phone to send him a text, 'What time will you be home tonight? We need to talk.'

She hears her phone dig as she is at the stove, making pancakes for Levi.

Josh: Last minute trip to Toronto. Found out while you were asleep. Be back in a few days.

Karlie's grip tightens around the phone as she reads the message, her initial frustration giving way to a surge of anger that threatens to consume her. How could he just leave without discussing it with her first? Without even saying goodbye? The bitterness of their unresolved argument from the previous night resurfaces, intensifying the uproar of emotions swirling within her.

The sizzle of the pancake batter on the hot pan barely registers as she stares at the screen, the words on her phone burning into her consciousness. She feels bitterness towards Josh, a simmering resentment that she has tried hard to suppress over the years, stemming from the times he prioritized his work over their family, the times he made decisions without considering her feelings or the impact on their children.

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