Chapter 2

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 I woke the next day with a headache from hell. A combination of the aftermath of the alcohol and finally letting the tears out when I'd got home. I'd managed to pull myself together last night after letting some tears slip in front of Noah. We had rejoined the others shortly after, and I tried my best to enjoy the night, but the argument with Sam was in the back of my head the whole time. Noah's words about Sam not being worth it stuck with me, and when I got home, I could not stop thinking about Sam and I's relationship. 

I hadn't dared to look at my phone, I could already predict what kind of messages I'd have to deal with. However, I knew I couldn't hide from Sam forever, I had to face the music. We'd been here before many times, but this time it felt different. This time I felt exhausted and fed up of having to keep reliving these stupid arguments, the jealousy he had around me having male friends, and the way he didn't trust me. I don't know how much longer I can keep repeating the same cycle of him making me feel like I've done something wrong, then us making up and the whole thing happening again. I knew what I had to do but I knew it wouldn't be easy.

I reached for my phone on the beside table and unlocked it. As predicted, my phone was flooded with notifications from Sam, but here was one message amongst his that I hadn't expected

Noah: Hope all is good after last night, you know where I am.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and reminded myself once again of what Noah had said. He was right, Sam was not worth it, the bad was starting to outweigh the good in our relationship.

I didn't bother reading all of Sam's messages, there was no point, I just sent him a reply asking him to come over to talk. I dragged myself out of bed, ready to try and make myself look more presentable. Once I'd showered, I headed into the kitchen. 

"Good morning" Emma groaned, she was sipping her coffee at the table, she looked rougher than I felt. 

"Morning" I laughed at the sight of her. 

"You're up and dressed already?" she quizzed, looking my over.

"Sam will be here soon" I replied, trying to hide how much I was not looking forward to it.

"Have fun" Emma said unenthusiastically.

It wasn't long before Sam arrived. I opened the door and he marched his way to my room.

"So, are you going to apologise then?" He stood with his arms folded across his chest. My eyes widened, and I let out a choked laugh.

"Apologise? Me!?" I laughed again.

"Yes you" he said sternly.

"I have nothing to apologise for. You are unbelievable!"

"You are, for acting like you did, then having the nerve to ignore me Lili" he hissed.

"Acting like I did!?" I said, raising my voice slightly. The headache that was lingering was making me feel a lot more irritable. I'd hoped for more of a civil conversation, but who was I kidding. "By that, you mean what? Spending time with my friends? Not spending every second of my day messaging or being with you!? Living my life and being made to feel bad about it all the time rather than supported? Being made to feel like I'm doing something wrong when I'm really not! You are the one in the wrong here Sam, you are controlling, jealous, and manipulative."

"Stop being a little bitch!" Sam shouted back. "You're just trying to blame me because I caught you out, you were flaunting yourself at anyone who would look your way and give you the time of day. You pretend to be all shy but you just love the attention, don't you"

"Fuck you! You just can't handle me having male friends, and you never have, you know I would never cheat or want attention off anyone else in that way"

"Well they're pathetic excuses of men anyway, I don't know what you see in them"

"I see something I should have realised a long time ago. They're all more of a man than you'll ever be! We are done Sam!" I shouted, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I was determined not to let them slip in front of him.

"Done? What you're ending it!?" His voice getting a little high pitched, but his face still displaying all his anger and his fist clenched by his side. We were still stood in the middle of my room. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

"We are over Sam" I said in a calmer, more sincere tone hoping to drive the message home that there was no turning back. He took a step towards me and it made me nervous with how angry he was, but I was not going to let it show.

"You will soon come running back when you realise no one else wants you" he said.

"Get out!" I shouted, pushing him slightly. I saw his jaw clench in anger but he had ran out of things to say.

"Get out! We are done"

Sam pushed past me and out of my door, I heard him slam the front door behind him a few seconds later. I sunk to the floor feeling relief wash over me but a mixture of emotions. I could no longer contain the tears I'd be holding in.

As I stayed on the floor sobbing, I heard a knock at my door.

"Lili?" Emma said from outside my room.

"Come in" I said. Only now realising she probably heard most of the argument already. She walked in slowly and immediately put her arms around me as she reached me. We sat in silence on my floor for a few minutes before I lifted my head to look at her.

"How much did you hear?"

"Enough...why didn't you tell me you guys were in a bad place?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you over for good?" She asked.

"Yeah. I wish I'd have ended it sooner, I should have listened to your judgement. I guess part of me just thought he would change or things were not that bad. We were good together once..." I said, almost trying to convince myself of the latter as much as I was Emma.

I heard a noise come from down the hallway and looked at Emma, raising my eyebrow.

"Oh, Nick and Noah turned up when you were with Sam...they wanted to go for food" she explained.

"Oh..." I said as I realised they probably heard everything too.

"You should come too? Would be good to get out and take your mind off things?" Emma asked, but I shook my head. The last thing I wanted was to go out, I needed some space.

"Thank you, but I think I'll stay. I probably look a bit of a mess right now too" I laughed, gesturing to my appearance. I knew my eyes were puffy and bloodshot from crying. "You should go, they'll be losing their minds if they're hungry" I smiled, knowing what those boys were like when it comes to food.

Whilst Emma was out, I put some music on and began tidying my room in attempt to keep my mind from racing.

I was putting a few of Sam's things that he had left here and some of his hoodies in a bag when I heard them return. Soon after, there was a light knock on my door.

"Come in" I shouted. I looked up and expecting to see Emma, but instead I saw Noah in the doorway holding a bag.

"Hi" he smiled slightly.


"We thought you'd like this. I know you didn't want to go out so we got you some stuff. I made sure we got one of those donuts you like too"

He handed me the bag, and I opened it and grinned at him.

"Thank you!"

"Anytime Lil" he smiled before turning around and making his way out of my room.

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