Chapter 6

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I tied up the laces on my converse before glancing over my outfit one more time in the mirror. Today was the day we were watching the boys play a show in our city, and I was super excited to see them perform again. It had been quite some time since the last show I'd been to.

My phone vibrated on my bedside table.

Noah: Excited to see the best band on the planet tonight?

I rolled my eyes and let out a little chuckle as I replied.

Well, if by that you mean the support act... I heard they are incredible and put the headliner to shame!

Noah: I can always tell security not to let you in you know

"Who's got you smiling like that?" Emma's voice suddenly came from my door that I'd left open.

"No one" I lied. Not realising I'd been smiling at my phone.

"Hmmm, you know I won't stop asking until I find out" she said.

"It's not what you think, it's just Noah" I admitted, hoping she'd give it up once she realised it wasn't some mystery boy.  Emma's eyebrow raised as she stared at me for a second.

"Noah? What did he want?" She asked.

"Just asking if we're excited for tonight" I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. "We should get going"

"You two seem very friendly lately" Emma said as we made our way out of the house. I laughed at her comment.

"Yeah...because we are friends, that's nothing new" I said as a matter of fact.

"Right" she said, the tone in her voice sounded suspicious.

"Surely you're not implying me and Noah..." I didn't finish the sentence, thinking about what she could be actually insinuating.

"I'm not implying anything. You just seem a lot closer lately is all" Emma stated.

"I guess he's just been a really good friend after the breakup, and he's been checking in more often. I also haven't had to worry about what Sam would think about our friendship anymore. I can have actual conversations with all the guys without being made to feel I'm doing something wrong" I explained. 

"I should have realised how bad it was for you, I'm sorry" Emma said, concern and guilt in her voice.

"It's not your fault, I should have done something about it sooner" I sighed.

We'd arrived at the venue a few hours before doors opened and spent time hanging out in the green room. We sat around chatting excitedly with the Nicks. The door opened, and Jolly and Noah walked in, dressed in their stage outfits. Both of them smiled when they saw us.

"Hey girls, excited for the show?" Jolly asked.

"Of course!" Emma and I said in unison.

"That's not what you told me" Noah said in a low voice as he sat on the arm of the sofa I was sitting on.

"And that's not what you asked me if I remember correctly...are you excited to see the best band on the planet, is an entirely different question" I stated.

"Just speaking facts" Noah shrugged.

"Forever humble aren't you" 

Noah stood and walked over to the mirror. He began messing with his in ears, before running a hand through his hair, making sure it was sitting the way he wanted it. My eyes stayed on him as he did so, I had to admit, the all black outfit was a favourite of mine. Especially paired with the silver chain he wore around his neck and the single black glove. It was a strong look. He caught my eye in the reflection of the mirror, and I quickly turned away. Only to be faced with Emma, who was watching me intently. She gave me a look, but I ignored her and quickly started up a conversation with Jolly.

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