Chapter 23

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I felt a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders after speaking with Noah. I had to remind myself he wasn't like my ex, he was Noah. I could trust him. I've known him for years. His reassurance helped and hearing his own frustration around the speculation also. I was no better than my ex if I started to jump to conclusions and make accusations every time the slightest thing came up. I knew I had to do better.

Of course, Emma was more than up for the BBQ. Both of us excited to see the guys again.

"I notice you've got your spark back" Emma said, grinning before walking into the house and greeting everyone. I stood there for a second, not expecting her comment.

"You coming in then or what?" Noah grinned from the doorway, snapping me out of my thoughts and gesturing for me to enter.

"Oh right, yeah sorry" I stuttered over my words slightly, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?" He asked. I quickly took a glance at his outfit. He looked so good dressed in all black besides his crisp white t-shirt. His usual chain around his neck to top it off.

"Yes absolutely" I grinned. He smirked, clearly not missing how I just looked up up and down. He leaned towards me so he could whisper in my ear out of earshot of anyone else nearby.

"You look stunning" his voice sending shivers down my spine, before pulling away and glancing down at the short flowy dress I was wearing. I tried to conceal the blush spreading across my cheeks as I followed him further into the house and out the back where everyone else now was.

Noah quickly got called into another conversation whilst I joined Emma and Nicholas, who were catching up.

"How was it?" I asked Nicholas.

"Really good, despite the usual bit of fan drama" Nicholas said. "Noah's been a lot happier since being back though" he commented.

I looked over at Noah who wore his signature infectious smile as he talked with Jesse and Matt. I felt stuck in trance whilst watching him. He suddenly looked up to meet my gaze, making my heart rate increase.

"Lil?" Emma asked. My eyes pulling away from him and back to the two in front of me. They exchanged a look before Emma spoke up again. "You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, sorry, just zoned out for a second" I coughed awkwardly and excused myself for a second to go to the bathroom.

Just as I was about to shut the door behind me, a hand wrapped around it and stopped it from closing. A hand I would reconsider anywhere.

"What you doing?" I said, shocked as I took a step back, and he made his way into the room.

"Oh, just needed a minute away from the noise" Noah said, a mischievous look in his eye.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he quickly captured it with his own. His hands holding my face firmly. I melted in his touch.

We pulled apart, his head resting against mine.

"Noah" I breathed.

"I missed you" he grinned.

"Me too" I looked up into those dark eyes, getting lost in them once again.

"I don't know how I'm going to get through this evening with how good your legs look in that dress" he said in a low voice.

"I'm having the same problem with how good that white shirt looks against your tattoos" I said whilst wrapping my hand around his bicep.

"I noticed you staring at me just" he smirked.

"I was not" I said, trying to sound innocent, but I knew my face said otherwise.

"It's alright, I know I'm hard to resist" he teased.

I hit him on the arm playfully and rolled my eyes at him.

"No one will miss us for a few minutes" Noah said, speaking quietly as he moved even closer to me. I stumbled backwards until my back hit the bathroom counter, and his arms caged me. He captured my lips once again before I could speak.

A little squeak escaped me as he lifted me up suddenly, placing me on the side. His hand rested on my thigh as he deepend the kiss.

Noah's hand travelled up my thigh. He pulled away from me suddenly, to my disappointment, but then I noticed the look on his face. A questioning look, as if asking for permission. My hands cupped either side of his face, pulling him back to me and pressing myself as close as I could to him to give him all the response he needed. I felt him slowly pushing my dress up with both hands on each of my thighs. 

He got closer to where I wanted him. Finally, his fingers grazed lightly over the top of my underwear, and I let out a sigh. He slowly pushed them to the side before sliding a finger inside of me. A moan escaped my lips.

He used his free hand to cover my mouth, although it was unlikely anyone could hear us from outside, there was still the possibility someone else could have come into the house. "Can you keep quiet for me?"

I nodded, looking into his eyes. A smirk forming on his face as he added another finger. He picked up the pace, and I was soon a mess. I couldn't hold back the moan that escaped me as he pushed me over the edge. I was grateful that I was sat on the counter. Otherwise, there is no doubt my legs would have given way. No one had ever made me feel as good as he did.

As my heart rate returned to normal, Noah released his hand from my mouth and pulled down my dress. As I lowered my gaze, I caught sight of the bulge in his pants, and reached towards his waitband, eager to make him feel as good as he made me feel.

"Lili!?" Emma's voice called out suddenly, causing us both to jump apart. My eyes widened. 

"Shit, I better go!" I whispered, panicked. I quickly planted a kiss Noah's lips and opened the door swiftly. 

"What you been doing?" Emma asked as I reached her. 

"I just went to the bathroom and then had a call to take care of" I explained.

"Well, come on, food is ready! Have you seen Noah?" 

I'd already started walking towards the door and kept my gaze ahead. "No sorry" I lied.

About a minute after we stepped out of the door, Noah appeared behind us. 

"Where have you been?" Em questioned, eyebrow raised suspiciously at him.

"I just needed to take care of something" he shot me a brief look. "Sorry Mom!" He joked as he looked back at Emma and held his hands up.

"Food is ready is all, I'm sure you don't want to miss out" She explained before walking off in the direction of the BBQ the rest of the guys were surrounding.

"You're a bad influence" I said to Noah as soon as she was out of earshot.

"I didn't hear you complaining just" he winked.

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