Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been reading this so far! Feel free to let me know what you think so far. Apologies if it has been a little slow for these first chapters. Hopefully it will start to get more exciting but due to the storyline it will be a bit of a slow burn!


I finished up another day of work and went to join Emma, who was sat in front of the TV. Life had begun to get a little mundane. I would work all week and maybe watch a movie or go shopping with Emma every now and then. The guys had started their new tour, so had been out of town. We had been spending a lot more time with them since I had split up with Sam. I guess I not only had more free time, but I no longer had the guilt from being made to feel bad for spending time with them. It had been just over a month since we split, and thankfully, I hadn't heard from Sam since.

"So are you looking forward to the guys being back in town?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, it's been quiet without them" I laughed, thinking about how chaotic they could be.

"You can say that again. It was good for some peace to start with, but I do miss them"

"Me too" I admitted. Ever since they'd been gone, we'd get the odd message in our group chat. I'd also get the occasional message from Noah who would be checking in on how I was doing. It was sweet of him. We had always been fairly close, but I'd never spoken to him much about my relationships or how I was feeling before. I'd usually only have those kinds of conversations with Emma. 

The guys were due to return from tour for a few days as they were playing a show in LA. They had some time off before and after the day of the show so we had decided to meet up with them. That was the most exciting thing I had coming up, so I'd been counting down the days, and when it finally came I was way more excited than I should have been. 

Emma and I were meeting the guys at the beach. As soon as we arrived we easily spotted them in the crowd of people. Jolly was checking his phone, whilst the Nicks were stood chatting with their hands in their pockets and Noah was looking around. Even though Noah had his sunglasses on you could tell from a distance that he was searching the crowd of people and it was easy to spot the moment he noticed us as a smile spread across his face. The others were still oblivious to our presence. 

"Heyyy!" Emma shouted as she approached them. Nick hugged her as Noah took a step forward to embrace me in his long limbs. We pulled apart and I smiled at him. 

"It's good to see you" I admitted. 

"Aww, did you miss me Lili" He teased, nudging me. 

"You wish! I enjoyed the quiet" I chuckled. 

"Only for a little while" Emma added and I shot her a look. 

"So you did miss me" Noah smirked.

"Shut up, idiot" I laughed and turned to give the other guys a hug.

 We made our way onto the beach and set our stuff down whilst the conversation turned to how tour was going. All of them were beaming as they were telling stories of the shows so far and how it was their biggest yet. I'd always loved their passion, they worked so hard. Especially Noah, he had put his everything into creating Bad Omens and it was really starting to pay off. I was so happy for him for that. He really deserved it. I couldn't wait to see them play again.

"Anyway who's going in?" Folio asked eagerly whilst pulling his shirt over his head and removing his shoes. 

"Maybe in a bit" Emma said, laying back but propping herself up on her elbows. 

"You should all go, we will join in a bit" I said, waving my hand towards the sea, encouraging them to go. 

One by one, they all followed in removing their shirts and shoes and raced towards the sea. Although Folio had a head start, Noah and Jolly soon caught up with their long legs. Emma and I chuckled to ourselves as we watched the four of them. 

We decided after some time sitting in the sun that we needed to cool off, we had both stripped down to our bikinis and went to join them. As we were walking over I heard Jolly wolf whistle at us as soon as he saw us. I rolled my eyes. Although I still couldn't see his eyes due to his sunglasses, I could feel Noah's gaze lingering on me longer than usual. Along with the whistle from Jolly, the attention made me blush. I shook it off and immediately splashed Jolly as soon as I got into the water. Jolly splashed back and the water hit both myself and Emma which caused her to join in. Soon people around us were looking over due to the noise we were making screaming whilst splashing one another like little kids, but we didn't care. I splashed water in Noah's direction and he was quick to scoop me up into his arms before I could even process what he was doing. 

"NOAH!" I shouted, flailing my arms around but it was no use. He held me above the water which was just above his hips. I kept wriggling but he had a firm grip on me.

"Noah, I swear to God, put me down!" 

"Or what?" he said calmly, but I could hear the amusement in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't think of a good enough comeback. 

"Just put me down!" I shouted again, hitting his back.

"Okay, if you're sure" he chuckled before throwing me into the water. 

"I'm going to kill you" I hissed as I came back up from under the water and looked up at him. My hair now flat against my head. I was also aware my makeup was probably a mess now too. 

"I'd like to see you try" the stupid smirk was still plastered over his face. The others had been watching us, amused, but had now turned their attentions away from us. 

"You are an idiot" I glared at him. 

"An idiot that you missed" he smiled again before removing his sunglasses and resting them on his head so I could see his eyes for the first time, his smile reaching them. I narrowed my eyes as I continued to glare at him and folded my arms dramatically. He stared back at me, not breaking the eye contact.

"Not even going to deny it" he teased. I hit his arm again and began moving away from him. 

"In your dreams Noah" I shouted over my shoulder. I walked back to where our things were and dried myself off. Thankfully my hair would dry quickly due to the heat. I pulled out my phone to look at my reflection in my camera. My mascara was running under my eyes slightly. I was wiping it away when a shadow fell over me. I looked up to see Noah and his tall tattooed figure standing over me. 

"Sorry. You aren't genuinely mad at me are you?" he asked as he sat down next to me. I was surpised by the concern in his voice.

"Only a little for ruining my makeup" 

"You still look beautiful Lili, don't worry" he said before putting his sunglasses back over his eyes. I blushed at the compliment.

"Right" I laughed slightly. 

"It's true" he said.

Before I could say anything else the others came running towards us excitedly. 

"It's time for food" Jolly announced.

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