Chapter 15

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We caught up to the others easily with Noah carrying me. I couldn't lie, it was impressive how effortlessly he walked with the added weight of me on his back, especially whilst going up hill. The work he'd put into building his strength and cardio was clearly paying off. 

"About time!" Folio said, as soon as we came into view causing the others to look over and laugh at the sight of us. 

"Yeah, thanks for waiting guys" I said rolling my eyes at them playfully. Noah carefully helped me back onto the floor. We spent some time looking at the view before it was decided that we would take some group pictures together. I stood slightly in front of Noah, feeling his hand coming to rest on my shoulder lightly. My smile came easily with the feeling of his touch, it was comforting. 

"Band picture!" Folio announced. Emma and I joined Jesse and Michael who took the pictures. Noah locked eyes with me briefly before Michael shouted at him for not looking in the right direction. He looked slightly embarrassed about being called out. I watched as Noah's hair blew in the wind, falling over his face, his hair shorter than it had been in the past, but somehow he seemed to pull off every hair style. He looked stunning. He could easily be a model. It was easy to see why he caught the attention of so many fans. Emma nudged me. "They look good" she said, grinning at me.

"They do" I agreed. It was undeniable that they all got lucky in the looks department.

As we started heading back, I couldn't help but listen into the conversation ahead of me, as I trailed behind. Jesse was asking Noah and Jolly about the next tour, which was starting very soon overseas. I could hear the excitement in Noah's voice talking about the size of the venues they would be playing compared to the last time they were there. I was so proud of them, but I couldn't deny that I felt a hint of sadness at the thought of them being away again. 

"I'm not sure if we will see you again before you go on tour! Have fun guys" Emma said, when we were saying our goodbyes. I hugged them all one by one, coming to Noah last. He held me slightly tighter and longer than the others had. "Don't miss me too much" he whispered in my ear, causing a shiver down my spine, before pulling away. I rolled my eyes at him. 

Emma was right, we didn't get chance to see them again before they left for tour. I went back to the same mundane routine. Noah messaged me as often as he could, this time I didn't deny myself the satisfaction of replying, especially if I wanted things to carry on as normal, it wasn’t an option. Our conversations were one of the things that would bring some joy to my day. 

"Pleaseeeee" Emma begged. She was currently trying to persuade me to come out tonight with her to some event. I really didn't feel up to it, but I felt bad saying no. My phone vibrated, and I quickly took a glance at it.

Noah: I am just about to head to bed. What you up to today?

The time zones had some impact on our conversations, but we made it work.

"I'm not sure Em" I said, whilst unlocking my phone and typing back to Noah to let him know I wanted to do nothing, but Emma was trying to persuade me otherwise. 

"Who's that?" she questioned.

"None of your business" I said. 

Noah: Maybe you'll enjoy it, you never know unless you give it a chance

I had to fight an eye roll at his comment. 

"Is it Noah?" She asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow. 

"How did you know?" 

"Hmmm, just had a feeling" she smirked.

"Don't start" I sighed. 

"Come with me then, and I won't" she grinned. 

"Ugh, you're so annoying, fineeee" 

She clapped her hands excitedly and rushed off to start getting ready.

I had to admit that once I was out, I did feel slightly better than I thought I would. Emma and I were dancing and giggling just like old times, the drinks flowing. 

"So" Emma said, grinning uncontrollably. 

"What?" I asked, laughing at the state of her, even though I wasn't much better myself.

"Noah... I think he likes you" She said still grinning. I nearly choked on my drink.

"No he doesn't" I said defensively. I felt guilty for not having told her about the kiss, we told each other everything usually. I just didn't want to fuel the fire behind her ideas of us being together and causing either of us any drama. 

 "Hmmm I think so, I've seen the way he looks at you" 

"Noah does not like me, he's probably out there now on tour, with multiple girls who are falling at his feet. He could have anyone" 

"Noah isn't like that. Does it boost his ego? Yes. But does he take advantage of the attention? No. I know he likes you, I can just tell" Emma said smugly, sipping her drink.

"Anyway, you said you wouldn't talk about him if I agreed to come out!" I suddenly remembered, desperate to change the subject. Talking about him was making me remember how much I really missed him.

"Ah I guess I did, fine" she groaned, changing the subject. We had a few more drinks before making our way back home.

"Thanks for coming with me Lil, you're the best" Emma smiled, hugging me before we stumbled towards our own rooms.

"You're welcome, I had a great time actually, but you didn't hear me say that" I laughed.

"Just like old times" she grinned before dissapearing into her room.

I lay on my bed, no desire to get undressed and take my makeup off. I scrolled my phone for a while before opening my chat with Noah.

Maybe you were right 

He always seemed to be right lately, and it was annoying. So annoying.

Why are you so annoying?

Noah: Morning, what did I do?

I forgot that it would now be morning where he was. 

Being right again

Noah: What can I say, I am always right!

I could imagine him saying that and the cocky tone in his voice. I missed that voice. It was so soothing. Without thinking it through, I called him, his face popping up on the screen almost immediately. He was still in bed, looking tired but still wore his signature smile. I noticed how the sheets were pulled up, covering his chest but his bare shoulders were on full view. He looked heavenly. 

"Hiiii" I said excitedly. 

"Is someone drunk?" he chuckled whilst rubbing his face and sitting up more. 

"Me? Never" 

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Noah smiled. I hesitated for a while, not sure whether to admit the real reason.

"Can I not speak to one of my best friends if I want to?" I asked innocently. 

"Of course you can. You look nice by the way. Did you have a good time then?"

"Yes I did" I frowned.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're annoying when you're right" I pouted.

"And you're cute when you're drunk" he chuckled again.

"I miss you" I admitted.

"I miss you too Lili, but I'll be back soon" he smiled, reassuringly.

"You better" I said, my eyes were starting to get heavy as I sunk down further onto the bed.

"Get some sleep, I will speak to you soon" Noah said, his voice calming. 

"Goodnight Noah" I managed to mumble.

"Goodnight Lili"

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