Chapter 20

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A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little boring. I have been struggling a little in knowing exactly where to take this story as I have a few different ideas. Thank you to anyone who has still been reading. Let me know your thoughts so far!


Nicholas insisted in the group chat the morning after the party that Emma and I joined them for food since we hosted them last night. I desperately needed something to soak up the alcohol so of course I agreed. It also meant more time with them before they left again.

"So Noah had to put you to bed last night?" Emma giggled, hiding the smile behind her mug. I groaned at her question, feeling a little embarassed thinking over the events of last night. "It was nice of him" she added.

"It was" I agreed, trying to fight the smile forming on my face.

"So, we better get going then" she said, standing up from her seat to go and put her mug in the dishwasher. Emma grabbed her car keys and I followed her out. We sat in a comfortable silence on the way, one I was pleased about as a headache was starting to form. 

We'd arrived before the guys. They appeared shortly after we'd got a table, it was easy to spot Noah in a crowd when he towered over mostly everyone. We immediately locked eyes, smiling at each other. Emma, who had her back to them, quickly turned to follow my gaze. 

"Hey guys!" she said as they approached. We all greeted one another, Noah quickly taking the seat next to me. His hand rested on my leg slightly under the table and he squeezed it gently. I looked up and smiled at him. 

"How's the head today?" Noah asked.

"Not so great" I groaned. "But thanks for last night" I said quietly. 

"You don't need to thank me Lili" he said, sincerely. 

"So, you looking forward to the festivals?" Emma asked after we ordered our food. The boys all nodded.

"The longer sets are going to be good, but it will still be daylight, so I'm getting prepared to melt in the sun" Folio laughed.

"Love the crowds, hate the sun" Noah added, causing us all to laugh. We all knew how much he despised being too hot. 

"I do love a good festival though" Jolly added. "It's fun being able to hang out with all the other bands there"

"And more ladies" Folio chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't need anymore information" Emma laughed. Meanwhile, my mind drifted to Noah being away and surrounded by so many people, so many fans, so many...women. I took a deep breath and a sip of my drink to try and calm myself down before my thoughts spiralled. A hand suddenly appeared on my leg and it made me jump, causing me to almost spill my drink. I tried to disguise it with a little cough. Emma looked over at me questioningly but didn't say anything. 

"Don't worry Em, there's no more information to tell. He likes to think he'll get lucky, but he can't resist telling them about all the fish he caught recently within the first 10 minutes of the conversation, and they don't seem to like that too much" Nicholas added, teasingly as he nudged Folio. I tried to pay attention but Noah's hand was still resting on my leg and he squeezed gently again as if he was trying to reassure me. 

"Not fair! I do not!" Folio said defensively. 

"I'm sure you'll find someone who appreciates your passions one day Nick" Emma said, causing the guys to laugh, aside from Folio who frowned. 

"I guess we can't all be like Mr Mysterious over here with girls falling at his feet without him even opening his mouth" Folio said, glancing over at Noah. Noah's hand slowly moved up my thigh before he rested it back on the table. I was trying my hardest not to react to his touch as everyones attention was now in this direction.

"What can I say, girls love mystery" Noah grinned, running his hand through his hair. Folio shook his head at Noah's smugness.

"Please explain that to me?" Folio asked, directing his question to Emma and I.

"I can lend you some romance novels for some research if you like" Emma laughed.

"I'll pass thanks. Is it true though, girls find mysterious guys more attractive?" he quizzed.

"Well they need to be good looking in the first place,  but I guess it makes us more curious and it can be more exciting" Emma explained.

"Do you agree?" Folio asked, looking over at me. 

"I suppose" I said with a shrug.

"Hm, I still don't get it" Folio said. "Was your ex 'mysterious'?" 

"You're joking?" I laughed, hearing Noah also let out a little chuckle next to me. "Far from it" 

"Lili has a habit of going for people that aren't exactly her type, and that needs to change" Emma said and I shot her a glare. 

"And what is her type?" Noah asked. I wanted to hit him there and then for joining in but I tried to remain calm. I could tell he was trying to get a reaction from me and hoping to boost his own ego possibly.

"I don't have a type" I said bluntly. 

"Ha, yes you do. Tall, dark, looks intimidating but is actually the complete opposite, she also has a thing for long hair and men who wear jewellery" Emma said.

"Well, that sure sounds a lot like Jolly" Folio said suggestively, and raised an eyebrow. Emma giggled to herself from across the table and I shot her another look.

"No, Jolly does not look intimidating" I said defensively. "Sorry Jolly" I said turning to him.

"Rude" Jolly said, clutching his chest, pretending to be hurt by my words. 

Thankfully, our food came and everyone became too distracted to continue the conversation. When we finished and started heading out, Noah trailed slowly behind the group and I dropped back so I was beside him and out of earshot of the others.

"Meet me tomorrow before I go?" Noah asked quietly. 

"Of course" I smiled at him. 

"I'll pick you up at 11" 

The next day I felt conflicted, I was excited to be with Noah again but sad it would be to say goodbye before he leaves. He drove us to get milkshakes at the same place we went to the first time we met up on our own. 

As Noah sat across from me, I glanced over his hands, he was wearing rings he hadn't worn in a long time. They looked good on him. I looked up and realised he caught me staring at them. 

"So, do I need to grow my hair out again?" he asked.

"No your hair is fine like that" I said. 

"Just fine?" Noah asked. "You like long hair, did you prefer me with longer hair?"

"I loved your long hair" I admitted. "but, your hair really suits you now too. It's a nice length anyway, it's not that short. Wait- is that why you're wearing more jewellery today" I asked, pointing to his hands. 

"Nooo" he said in an unconvincing tone. 

"Right" I laughed. "Well, they do look good, but I like you, Noah, don't start changing things to try and impress me" 

"I won't. It just reminded me to wear these more often" He explained as he looked down at his hands, stretching out his long tattooed fingers. 

The time flew by, as it always did when I was alone with Noah. He drove me home and we sat in his car not wanting to part.

"I will miss you" I admitted. 

"Me too" Noah said before leaning over to kiss me.

"Message me any time, I will facetime you whenever I get a minutes peace" he added before quickly pulling me back in again. I gripped the back of his neck firmly as we kissed, never wanting to let go. 

"Thank you for everything Noah"

"You don't have to thank me, you know this" he chuckled.

"Bye" I said before kissing him one more time, and hugging him tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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