Chapter 18

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Noah kept details to himself on where we were going. The only thing he had given away was that it would be nicer than getting milkshakes. I opted for a short dark floral dress with boots and hoped that it would be neither too over dressed, or too casual for wherever he was taking me.

I told Emma I was going out to meet some friends from work, but I could tell she didn't fully buy the lie. I then asked Noah not to park right out the front when he came to pick me up. It felt a little silly hiding Noah from Emma, but it was best to avoid any prying. My phone vibrated with a message from Noah letting me know he was waiting in the car. I shouted bye to Emma and hurried out of the house.

As I climbed into Noah's passenger seat he grinned at me.

"You look beautiful" he said as he scanned my outfit. A blush appeared on my cheeks.

"So do you" I said returning the compliment. It was annoying how effortlessly good he always looked, from his stage outfits to hoodies and sweatpants and everything in-between. He always looked so good.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going?" I asked, hopefully.

"Nope, it's nothing too exciting though, please don't get your hopes up too much" he admitted shyly.

"I'm sure it will be good whatever it is" I reassured him, not wanting him to feel pressured. I was just happy to be spending some more time with him, just us two. It would be good to not have to hide or be careful what we said around the others. Also, not having any pressure to be a certain way with him now. After the initial shock and nerves died down a little, knowing he liked me was exciting, and I was truly excited to see where this would go. I was ready to enjoy not having to hide or fight any feelings any longer when in front of him. I knew it might not be an easy process but I told myself to enjoy it, whatever the outcome. It was too late to turn back now. 

We arrived at an Italian restaurant and I smiled. Italian food was my favourite. I turned to Noah who was looking pleased with himself after seeing the smile on my face. 

"Pasta is your favourite right?" He asked as I nodded. Although it wasn't a secret what my favourite food was, I would always be opting for pasta at any given chance when we all hung out together, the fact he'd thought about it made my heart swell. 

We took our seats and ordered our food. I sipped my wine suddenly feeling a little nervous due to the romantic atmosphere as I looked around to see all of the other couples in the dimly lit restaurant.

"Hey" he said, bringing my attention back to him. "How are you feeling?". I knew he could sense my nerves, he seemed to read me like a book. 

"I am good, I really am, just a little...nervous maybe" I admitted.

"We are still just Noah and Lili" he smiled reassuringly. "Lets just enjoy the peace away from the others" he chuckled, rolling his eyes jokingly. As much as we joked about them annoying us and needing space sometimes, we both knew we wouldn't change a thing about them.

"You're right" I exhaled, trying to relax a little and taking another sip of my wine hoping it might help calm the nerves.

"I didn't tell them anything when I left, I just snuck out" Noah said. 

"I wonder how long it will take them to notice you're gone" 

"Probably won't unless they notice my car is gone. They probably just think I am playing games in my room as usual" he laughed. "Maybe I'll even be able to slip back in without them noticing"

Our food came quickly and I hadn't realised how hungry I was until it was in front of me. I immediately tucked in and we both fell silent as we ate but it was a comfortable silence. 

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