Chapter 12

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I woke the next day, still feeling in a good mood. I noticed I'd got a message as I grabbed my phone from the bedside table.

Noah: Thank you for yesterday. I had a great time escaping the questions...until I got home!

I know what you mean, I had a few from Emma too when I got back! I had a lovely time though, thank you

Noah: They're not convinced I met you and think I went on a date with the 'mystery girl'

Emma thought I'd been on a date too!

Noah: Maybe we should just tell them we are dating to get them off our backs...?

My stomach flipped when I read his message. Why was I reacting in this way? He was only joking, right? But the thought of dating Noah sent my mind into a spiral, even though he was suggesting fake dating. My mind had been to some weird places recently and the thought of Noah being more than a friend had been crossing my mind more than it should have.

Sure, I'd already come to terms with the the undeniable fact that he is attractive. He's caring, he's funny and he's a good guy, as Emma liked to remind me. But he is Noah, he is off limits. Yet my mind still wandered again to our 'moment' together, how I was almost disappointed we gotinterupted, how he defended me with Sam that night. How angry and protective he was. I thought about how I couldn't get him out of my head lately, how I missed him when he was gone, and how much I really enjoyed something as simple as going for milkshakes together. I thought about how safe I felt in his arms when he we fell to sleep together, how peaceful he looked before I accidentally woke him. And then another wave of panic hit me when I realised, I'd never think of any of the others like this. No one makes me feel as good as Noah. Sam for sure didn't and no other man ever has.

Noah: JK

His message brought me back down to earth for a second. My stomach dropped. Was I disappointed? I thought about how I felt about the possibility of Noah being interested in someone or having a girlfriend even. I felt that feeling again and the realisation that maybe I am jealous. I was enjoying how close we'd become, and I didn't want that to change or anyone to get in the way of that.

Yeah, I'm not sure that would work well

I typed back. It was true.

I had to get him out of my head, it wasn't a possibility I could entertain, even if there wasn't another girl on the scene. It could only end badly and I couldn't go through that again. It would be worse with Noah. I'd lose a friend, multiple even, if anything happened and didn't work out.

Noah: You're right, not sure it would actually get them to leave us alone either. Anyway, the guys want to go out this weekend, are you and Emma up for joining?

I'm sure we will be. Just don't let me get as drunk as last time!

I planned to continue acting normal with Noah and hoped that things would just carry on as they were and my mind would quit putting these thoughts into my head eventually. 

The weekend came quickly, the plan was to go for a few drinks at a bar. It was a lot more casual than the end of tour celebration we had previously.

"I'm not getting so drunk this time" I told Emma on the way and she laughed.

"When I tell myself that, it never happens!"

We met the guys and they were already sat at a table. There were two empty spaces, one beside Jolly and one beside Noah. Emma pushed in front of me and took the seat next to Jolly, leaving me to sit next to Noah. We greeted everyone and conversation flowed.

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