Chapter 5

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I stared at the time on my laptop, wishing for the working day to be over and counting down the hours. I was so distracted today, I just couldn't focus. I couldn't stop thinking about the day at the beach, it was the best day I'd had in a long time. I felt so free, finally enjoying time with my friends and my life rather than having to think about another person. I thought I needed a relationship, but truthfully, all I need is what I already have- my friends and family.

We agreed that we'd have a movie night at the guys house after Emma and I finished up work for the day. When it was finally time, Emma drove us over to their house.

"You seem a lot brighter now you have got rid of that idiot" Emma broke the comfortable silence we had been sitting in.

"I feel a lot better. I didn't even realise quite how bad I had been feeling when I was with him" I admitted. 

"Now all we need is to find you someone much better than him. Someone that sees you for how great you are!" She said excitedly.

"I am absolutely not ready for another relationship. I don't think I will be for a long time and that's fine. I am enjoying my life the way it is" 

"Fineee, maybe a cheeky rebound then. No harm in a one time thing" she suggested.

"Maybe you should worry about your own love life" I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. We had pulled up to the guys house, so I wasted no time in climbing out the car before she could respond.

Nicholas opened the door, greeting us with a hug before we followed him to where the others were sat. Emma and Nicholas both sat down, leaving as space on the end next to Noah. He shuffled over to give me more room and smiled at me as I took the seat beside him.

We all chatted about our days. The guys had a much needed rest, so didn't have much to report besides playing video games. Emma and I both complained about how long the day seemed to drag on for, while they chuckled at us for being so dramatic.

"Anyway, I have been trying to encourage Lili to get herself back out there. It will do her the world of good, right guys!?" Emma piped up.

I groaned and put my hand over my face. 

"And I told you to worry about your own love life" I replied.

"She's got a point" Folio chuckled. Emma swatted his arm.

"I'm not the one who needs to move on though. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else"

I frowned. "I am perfectly fine on my own and maybe I am already over him" I said. Noah shifted in his seat next to me, but he kept out of the conversation.

"A little fun won't hurt either way, maybe we can find you someone at the next party" She continued.

"Will you just stop already, I am fine. I do not want anything, with anyone. I am enjoying my time on my own, with my friends, if you don't mind!"

"Maybe we should order pizza now" Nicholas said, sensing my frustration rising and knowing food would be the best distraction. 

As soon as the pizza came, we put on a movie. I got outnumbered in the vote, so we had ended up with a horror. I wasn't the biggest fan of horror, but they all reassured me it wasn't that bad of a film. 

Once I had finished up my food, Noah grabbed a blanket that was draped behind him. He put it over his legs and then offered part of it to me. I accepted and took the other side from him, pulling it up to my chin, getting ready to hide behind it if needed.

I had been coping with the movie until Jolly decided it was even better if we turned the lights off. The darkness made me more on edge. The tension was rising in the movie. I peered over at Noah, the light from the TV glowing against his pale skin. Noah bit his lip slightly, concentrating hard on the screen as if he didn't want to let out any sign that he was getting scared or he was preparing himself for what was to come. There was suddenly a loud noise, and he flinched slightly, scrunching up his face and leaning back but didn't let out any sound. I realised I'd been watching him a little longer than intended and didn't want anyone to catch me. I quickly turned back to the screen just in time for a jumpscare. I reacted before I could think, and my hand immediately went to grab the nearest thing, which happened to be Noah's leg. I blushed and pulled my hand away as soon as I realised what I'd done. I was thankful it was dark so he couldn't see how red my face was. I leaned in so only he could hear and whispered a sorry. He grinned at me as I pulled back.

"Here" he whispered, whilst taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. Our hands were intertwined underneath the blanket where no one could see, but it didn't stop me looking down at the space where they were. I noticed how tiny my hand felt in his. 

As the movie continued, we stayed holding hands. Every time I got scared, I would squeeze Noah's hand, and he would squeeze it back lightly to reassure me. I smiled at the gesture, realising I'd never felt this reassured by Sam before.

Jolly turned the light back on as the movie ended, and I felt the tension leave my body. I'd let go of Noah's hand as the credits rolled, but we had stayed with the blanket over us. He was sat slightly closer to me than he had been before the movie, I could feel his leg pressed against mine. Emma yawned and stretched, glancing in our direction.

"You guys look cosy over there!" She said, taking in the sight of us. Noah looked down, letting some of his hair fall over his face and covering his slightly pink cheeks before he spoke. It wasn't like Noah to get embarrassed easily, but he definitely looked it.

"Someone got scared and had to hide behind the blanket" he teased, turning the attention to me.

"Don't act like you weren't scared too, Sebastian" I replied smiling smugly.

"I'm not the one who nearly jumped out of their seat" he continued.

"I saw you flinch" I argued back. The guys chuckled to themselves.

"I didn't flinch!" Noah said defensively.

"You so did!"

"Well, when we you two are done arguing like an old married couple. We better get going" Emma laughed at us.

"Those two are both as stubborn as each other, you could be here a while" Nick muttered.

"No I'm not!" Noah and I both said at the same time, causing us to immediately look at one another. Everyone laughing at us again. Noah smirked, before breaking the eye contact we had been holding.

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