Chapter 3

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A week had passed since I had ended things with Sam. I'd blocked his number and deleted him off every social media platform I had. I'd had him come and pick up his stuff, but I refused to see him. I made Emma pass him the bag at the door, I knew I could trust her not to let him in. Even though he had been making my life a misery for the most part, another part of me still missed him. Or maybe it was the company I missed. Emma is doing all she can to be there for me, but I guess it just isn't quite the same, and he was a big part of my life no matter what happened during that time.

Working from home meant I had barely left the house all week, which was a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I didn't have to face anyone and their questions and concern, but on the other it was enabling me to isolate myself probably more than I should. I decided I should finally let Emma take me out somewhere, like she had been begging me all week. 

After letting Emma know I was willing to go out, she decided we would go for some retail therapy and coffee. 

"There's so much I need to get!" She said excitedly, leading me towards some shops. 

We entered a store, and I began browsing a few things as she marched around, grabbing multiple items to try on. After a few minutes, she came towards me looking pleased. 

"This would totally suit you!" She said, holding up a tight deep red dress. I rolled my eyes at it.

"Where would I wear that to?" I laughed. 

"The next time the guys have a party?" she suggested, and I laughed again.

"There is no way. That is way too out there for one of their house parties." 

"Well, next time we go out then, come on, try it on at least" she begged. Emma could be very persuasive, and it was hard to say no to her. I decided to at least try it on, or I could risk wasting half the day stood here arguing with her.

"Fine" I groaned.

Emma tried on her first item as I tried on mine. She called to me from outside the dressing room I was in to see if I had put it on yet. I pulled the curtain back, and her jaw dropped.

"WOW, you look incredible, you ARE buying that!" 

I couldn't help but smile at the compliment, and if I was being honest, I did feel good in it. 

"We'll see" I chuckled at her expression. 

"You need to get your confidence back, Sam really knocked you down. You deserve to wear nice things and show off that body of yours" she wiggled her eyebrows cheekily, and I playfully slapped her arm.

Of course I left the shop with the dress, there way no way Emma would let me leave without it. We went around a few other shops before stopping for a coffee. As we walked in, I recognised two tall figures who had just finished ordering their drinks. It was Jolly and Noah. Emma noticed them just as I went to say something, and she nudged me before shouting in their direction. They both turned and smiled at us. They grabbed their drinks and walked over. 

"Hey, what you up to?" Jolly asked.

"Just some much needed retail therapy" Emma replied, holding up her shopping bags proudly. 

We quickly ordered our drinks and joined them again. We carried on walking around whilst chatting. Jolly was talking to Emma whilst Noah moved so he was stood next to me.

"Jolly dragged me out, he was getting too frustrated with me being a perfectionist with a song we're working on" he laughed.

"Yeah, Emma has been trying to drag me the house out all week"

"You finally gave in then" he said.

Emma turned her attention to us, having heard her name being mentioned.

"It took a lot of persuading, but I finally got her out andddd I even got her to buy a hot new outfit!" Emma said before turning back to her conversation with Jolly.

"Oh really?" Noah raised his eyebrow and looked over at me.

"It's not like I even have anywhere to wear it, I just did it to make her happy" I lied, knowing that was only part of the reason and that I did actually lowkey want somewhere to wear it too.

"Well, maybe I'll have to help you find an occasion to wear it anyway, shame not to wear it now you have it" Noah suggested.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at his offer.

We decided to head back to the guys house for a while. It was actually nice to have the distraction and get out for a bit.

Emma, Jolly, and the Nicks were playing a game, whilst Noah and I took our turn sitting out and watching. They were busy screaming and shouting at the screen as we laughed at their reactions.

"So are you glad you came out today now?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, I definitely am. I guess I was feeling a bit sorry for myself all week"

"You're allowed to be sad Lili"

"I know" I sighed. "I guess it's just a weird one, I'm sad but a little relieved, but also angry..."

"I get that... he seemed like a bit of an idiot" Noah said. I didn’t miss the way his jaw clenched for a second before he turned to look at me. The others were still too engrossed in the game to be listening to our conversation.

"I guess he just never trusted me" I sighed.

"Motherfucker!" Folio screamed. Noah and I exchanged an amused look at his outburst.

"Shall we go grab some drinks from the kitchen?" Noah suggested. I nodded and followed him away from the noise that was rising as the game was getting more competitive.

Noah grabbed a can and threw it to me before opening one of his own.

"You know you can always talk to me if you're having a difficult day though right?" Noah said.  I looked up to see the sincere expression on his face.

"Thanks, you've already been great" I smiled.

"I'm sorry he treated you know, you deserve better than him" he said whilst staring down at the can in his hands.

"Well, I guess they can't always be as good as you Noah" I laughed playfully, nudging him slightly. I looked up at him and could have sworn there was a slight blush to his cheeks.

"What can I say, can't help being so perfect" Noah grinned. 

"Right, don't push it, no one said anything about perfect" I teased.

He put a hand to his chest and gasped as though he was hurt by my words. I laughed at him and rolled my eyes.

We returned to the others and spent a few more hours playing games before Emma and I headed home. As soon as I got back, I went to my room and lay on my bed. I felt good, but also felt a need for some alone time after all the social interaction. I smiled to myself as I lay there thinking about what amazing friends I had and how grateful I was for every single one of them, especially Emma. It also hadn't gone unnoticed how much Noah had also been looking out for me too lately.

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