Chapter 9

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Emma appeared oblivious to whatever that moment was between Noah and I and dragged us both back inside. I was confused, part of me wanted to know what would have happened if Emma hadn't interrupted, the other part was scared to know.

Noah didn't say anything about it, and we continued the night with more drinks flowing. Soon my limbs were feeling light and out of my control, but I felt so free and happy. I was giggling uncontrollably as I stumbled around. I felt my feet give way underneath me, and familiar tattooed arms reached out to steady me in their grip. I looked up at Noah, grinning. 

"Maybe we should get you home?" He asked, laughing but also looking slightly concerned.

"I don't want to go home yet, Noah" I pouted.

"What if I get you some food on the way" he tried to bribe me.

"Hmmmm, depends what it is" 

"Whatever you want" he smiled. 

"Fineeee" I sighed dramatically. 

Noah turned to the guys, his arm wrapped around my back and holding onto my shoulder to support me as my body swayed.

"I think she needs to go home" he nodded his head down towards me. "I don't mind taking her back, if someone can drop Emma back on route?" Nicholas agreed they would make sure Emma got back fine.

"Come on then" Noah said, leading me out.

Noah got us some food and called an uber, we both slid in the back. I sat in the middle so I could lean against him. He chuckled to himself as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Noah was finishing off the fries we had bought. I peered up at him with wide eyes, he paused looking at me then back at the fries in his hand. He sighed, his lips curled up slightly in the corner before bringing one of the fries to my mouth. Noah continued sharing them between us, and soon after we were pulling up to my house. Taking my hand in his, Noah led me to the front door and motioned for me to pass him my keys so he could unlock it. 

"I'll go and get you some water and something for that sore head you will have in the morning" Noah said after he had led me to my bedroom.

I immediately felt uncomfortable in my outfit, wanting nothing more than my pyjamas. After kicking off my shoes I began pulling the dress over my head, just as I had it off, Noah walked back in. His face flushed, matching the colour of my underwear and he quickly looked away whilst clearing his throat.

"I'm so sorry" he panicked, stumbling back towards the door.

"What? It's not like you've never seen a woman in her underwear before with all the women you have falling at your feet" I called after him with some newfound confidence that was definitely the drink talking. He was already out of the room before I finished the sentence. 

As soon as I was fully dressed I went to find Noah who was sat checking his phone and dropped down next to him.

"Thank you" I smiled. "Thank you for everything" I said quietly. 

Noah shrugged. "You don't have the thank me for anything" 

"I do" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arm around him. I was still incredibly drunk but the tiredness was starting to wash over me. The warmth radiating off him was making me even more sleepy. 

"Shall we get you to bed" he chuckled and tried to move from under me. 

"Nooo, stay here" I demanded, squeezing him tighter to try to stop his movements. I was too comfortable to move. My eyes were so heavy. I felt his hand rest gently on my shoulder as I began drifting off. 

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