Chapter 10

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"So when you going to tell us who your mystery girl is?" Nicholas asked Noah, who looked incredibly uncomfortable. The question drawing my attention to him. Emma and I were over at their house for the evening, all of us including Jolly and Folio were sat around chatting after having food together.

"There isn't a mystery girl" Noah said firmly. His eyes flickered over to me for a split second. We had completely ignored the 'moment' we had on the night out and us falling asleep together. Things had continued as normal,  confirmation nothing was going on. Which I thought was what I'd wanted. I'd gone over the night many times in my head though, sometimes still wondering what would have happened if we weren't interrupted. However, we were both drunk, Noah probably didn't even remember what happened outside, and I didn't want to read into something that wasn't there. I also didn't want to make it awkward by bringing it up if that was the case. 

"Come on dude, we've all seen you smiling at your phone more often than usual lately" Jolly chimed in. Noah took a sip of his drink, a slight hue spreading across his cheeks like he had been caught out. Maybe there was someone? I felt my stomach drop at the thought. I was unsure why I felt so uneasy, why did it matter if Noah did like someone? It's not like I hadn't seen him with other people before, I'd grown up around him, and he'd had a few girlfriends and love interests along the way. 

As the guys continued to tease Noah, I noticed Emma smiling to herself knowingly. That hit me even more. Maybe there was something I didn't know? Why wouldn't he tell me if there was someone? We'd been closer than ever recently, did he feel he couldn't tell me because of my breakup maybe?

"How about you two, you must have noticed it? Back us up here! This man is either smiling at his phone or tucked away in the studio writing about someone" Jolly asked Emma and I. Maybe it was because I'd been so caught up in my own head to notice. A sudden wave of guilt washed over me. Noah's been there for me so much since the breakup, and I have been completely ignoring what's going on for him, making everything about me.

"You guys are insufferable" Noah groaned before we could respond.

"Noah's just as private and stubborn as Lili, you aren't going to get anything out of him until he's ready to share, you should know this by now" Emma laughed.

"Don't bring me into this" I said holding my hands up innocently. I really didn't want to be involved.

"I'm just saying, Noah's a lot like you Lili" she added.

"Anyway, can we talk about something else" Noah said eagerly. "I'm flattered my love life is such a source of entertainment to you all, but I'm kind of bored now" 

They let it go, reluctantly, and changed the conversation. They continued to spend time chatting whilst I listened in. Suddenly feeling so overwhelmed by my thoughts and emotions once again, I felt an intense need to get out of the room. 

"I'm just going to get some air, I don't feel too good" I announced as I stood up. Everyone falling silent as they looked at me with concern on their faces. Before anyone could speak, I held my hand up to stop them and let them know I'd be fine once I had a minute. 

Once outside, I sat on the step, bringing my knees to my chest and hugging them as I took some deep breaths. It felt a lot better out here already, and I cursed myself for being so dramatic. I really had to start getting it together. I shut my eyes and rested my forehead on my arms, taking in the noises around and the distant chatter from inside. Then the sound of light footsteps, before I felt a presence next to me. I lifted my head up to see Noah with an apprehensive look on his face. His eyes silently questioned if it was ok for him to sit with me. I gave him a small smile of reassurance.

We sat in a comfortable silence for some time before Noah cleared his throat.

"The guys can be a bit much sometimes" he said with a sigh. 

"Yeah, I hope you're alright after that interrogation" 

"I'm fine, I just don't understand why everyone always has such an interest in what I'm doing sometimes" he said, running a large hand over his face.

"You're Noah Sebastian, that's why" I chuckled. 

"Maybe I don't want to be Noah Sebastian sometimes" He admitted, causing the smile to fall from my face. 

"It must be hard sometimes, also with how you guys have blown up and you basically being the face of the band too" 

"Don't get me wrong, I love my life, my achievements, it's all I've ever dreamed of. The band is my whole life, you know? But sometimes, it would just be cool to be invisible. No one cares what I'm doing, where I am going, who I'm speaking to. Not even the guys"

"Well, with me, you can be invisible if you like, I won't ask you any questions about anything you don't want to talk about if that's what you'd prefer" I smiled and his face lit up as he smiled back. We went back to silence for a little while longer.

"Anyway, enough about me" Noah said turning to face me slightly. "How are you doing? You feeling better?"

"Yeah a lot better, sorry, you didn't have to come out here to check on me"

"Don't say sorry, I wanted to...And how have you been doing in general lately?" he asked.

"I think we've spoken about me enough recently" 

"We haven't. And I'm asking, I want to know" Noah said, continuing to look at me with those dark, intense eyes waiting for a response. I'd known Noah long enough to know he wouldn't drop it.

"Honestly? My head is a bit all over the place" I admitted, not wanting to tell him too much about the specifics. "I think I just need some time still to figure things out. Sam and I's relationship wasn't the best, as you know, and seeing him the other night must have just hit a nerve again". 

"That's understandable"

"Emma will make comments every now and again about me needing to find someone else or a one night stand, that will apparently make everything better" I rolled my eyes, and he laughed.

"She's just as bad as the guys, they should worry about themselves" 

"I love her, but sometimes I just need a break from it all"

"Come here" Noah said, shuffling closer to me, and wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me in closer. "Things will work out" He said softly. 

"Not interrupting, am I?" Emma's voice suddenly appeared from the doorway, giggling at the sight of us. I jump away from Noah blushing.

"Of course not" I say as I immediately stand up and go inside, not wanting to face any more questions.

We returned home not long after, eager to get into bed. Just as I was about to drift off my phone vibrated.

Noah: What would you say to us grabbing some milkshakes one afternoon this week? A break from everything, no questions we don't want to answer? 

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