Chapter 3: Freezing Suana

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It's been several weeks since Pitch started affecting the youth of Amity Park. There weren't any noticeable changes at first, the only ones that seemed to immediately be acting strange were Danny Fenton and his friends Sam and Tucker. All three had looked sleep deprived and fidgety. Soon every teenager at Casper High were acting the same way.

All the parents and the few teachers who actually liked their jobs were worried. A vast majority of the children of Amity Park were having nightmares. The highschoolers seemed to be having the most. It had gotten to the point where they refused to sleep at night.

The parents and teachers had called an emergency meeting to try and find a way to either stop the nightmares or ease their worry. "Does anyone know when these nightmares began?" Mr. Sanchez was the first to speak.

"It was ghosts! Ghosts are attacking our kids' dreams!" Jack Fenton wasted no time in shouting what he considered the truth.

"Sit down Fenton! This is a serious matter that affects your children as well! So do us all a favor and shut up!" Jack was about to say something else but Maddie gave him a look he knew all too well so he quickly sat down.

Mr. Lancer walked towards the front of the room and behind a podium. "Sorry I'm late everyone. I couldn't find the conference room." He cleared his throat. "Anyway I would like to officially start this meeting. To answer your question Mr. Sanchez, I believe the nightmares started a month ago. The students in my homeroom started looking sleep deprived and panicky. More specifically it started with Daniel Fenton. He often came to class tired to the point of falling asleep during my lessons. He's seemed to have gotten worse in the past couple months."

All the parents in the room started glaring and blaming the Fenton parents. Maddie stood up to address the others. "This isn't our fault! If it were don't you think we'd be trying to stop the cause! Maybe-"Jack decided to cut off his wife.

"Maybe it was Phantom! That menace is always causing trouble! I say we-" This time Jack was cut off by Mr. Lancer.

"I think that's enough for now, Mr. Fenton. Back to the topic at hand... None of us know how or why the youth of our town have become like this. Instead we should try to come up with a couple ways to help them become less finicky and help them get some sleep." Several hours went by as parents and teachers yelled over one another until Mr. Lancer had enough. "Lord of the flies! We're supposed to be trying to help the children, not fight like them!" He sighed as he waited for everyone to quiet down. "How about we take a fieldtrip to that new spa that opened near Lake Eerie? It'll give them a chance to relax and while they're distracted we can search the classrooms and parents you can search your kids' rooms to see if there's anything out of the ordinary." Everyone murmured their thoughts on the idea. "So do we all agree with this idea? Good, now we just need to pick the chaperones." The adults started arguing again and Mr. Lancer smacked his forehead before letting out another sigh.

Almost two weeks later, the entire freshman class of Casper High were on their way to a 'surprise' near Lake Eerie.

Paulina and Star were gossiping about what the "surprise" could be. Everyone knew it was a spa trip. Most of the girls and some of the guys were really excited about it. "This is going to be the best fieldtrip ever! Who knew having a bunch of nightmares would get us a free spa trip."

"I know! I even bought a new bathing suit to wear. Who knows where theirs have been." Dash turned around in his seat to talk to the girls.

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