Chapter 11: I'm Not Jack Frost

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By the time Danny made it into the town it was early afternoon. Which meant the sun would be setting in a couple hours. Which meant the sun would be setting in a couple hours. He really needed to find out the date. There was no telling how long he'd been gone, everyone must've been extremely worried.

Danny didn't pass by many people as he walked through the town. Those that he did pass gave him strange looks that he ignored, being the son of ghost hunters meant someone was always staring at him.

Suddenly feeling tired, Danny sat down on a nearby park bench. "I think I'll just rest my eyes for a moment..." As soon as his eyes were closed, Danny was plagued with a strange dream. He would be at different places with either his friends and they kept saying the same phrase. "You promised." At first he could barely hear them. "You promised." They kept repeating it over and over until they were screaming it over and over. "You promised!" He jolted awake when they surrounded him and grabbed onto his arms and started pulling him in different directions.

Danny took a deep, calming breath. Frost completely covered the bench and was slowly creeping out to the surrounding area. He started panicking as the ice started spreading faster. The only good thing was that you could barely tell that anything was truly different, except there was no imprint of where he was sitting. He was finally starting to calm down when a group of kids ran up to him.

"Jack where have you been? You said you would visit on Christmas!"

"Why are your clothes different!"

"Are you wearing shoes!?" All of the kids gathered around the halfa's feet.

Careful not to step on anyone's hands, Danny moved out the weird semi circle that had been formed. "Um... Who's Jack and why do you think I'm him?"

The group of children gave Danny an 'are you serious' look. "Because you have white hair and can create frost."

Danny's eyes widened as he looked down to see frost slowly creeping up his legs. He grabbed a piece of his hair, it was pure white. "No no no no no!" He closed his eyes in concentration but his hair wouldn't go back to its original black color. "That's not good..."

A blonde kid with glasses spoke up. "Why is having white hair a bad thing? My grandparents have white hair."

"I- I don't want to talk about it. I should go-" Danny's ghost sense suddenly went off but it felt different. He slowly checked his surroundings and jumped out of the way just in time for a dark flying kiss.

"Oh darn... I missed. Better luck next time."

Danny looked around for the source of the voice. It sounded like Kitty but something. " Show yourself Kitty!" He turned to the kids, "You kids need to get to safety, its not safe here. Especially for you boys."

A green barrier surrounded the kids as another flying kiss hit it. "Leave them alone! Your fight is with me!"

"Kitty finally appeared standing in the shade of a tree. "Those boys will grow up to be jerks that only care about themselves and never about how their actions will effect others!"

Danny dodged another kiss. "What did Johnny do this time? I'm sure whatever it is we can just talk things out?"

Kitty growled, sending another dark kiss. "Johnny and I are OVER! There's nothing you can say that will change my mind!"

"Why are you just standing under a tree? I've seen you fight more than this!"

The green haired ghost seemed to get angry at this. "Why don't you just GO AWAY ALREADY! AAAHHHH!"

Danny had never seen Kitty this upset before. He really needed to get her back to the Ghost Zone and figure out what was going on with her. He turned to the group of kids still inside his dome, surprisingly only one kid looked scared. He really needed to end this fight before anything worse happened.

Reaching into his hoody pocket, Danny grabbed the Fenton thermos and uncapped the lid. "I'm really sorry to do this while your this upset Kitty, but there's no telling who you'll make disappear." Despite the far-ish distance, the pull of the thermos could always reach its target. Taking aim Danny turned on the thermos and attempted to suck in the rogue ghost. Key word being attempted as in Kitty didn't budge. "Huh?"

One of the kid's decided to yell at the halfa. It was a tall girl with short brown hair wearing a beanie. "Is that supposed to do something? Because nothing happened!"

"I know that! Its supposed to suck up ghosts! Why didn't it work!?" Danny didn't notice in his frustration the temperature dropping. "Screw this, I'll deal with it later."

"Aww did your little soup can not work on me? I've outgrown that little prison."

"I may not be able to use the thermos but I can still do this!" The kids watched in amazement as the white haired teen that wasn't Jack Frost raise one of his hands and ball it into a fist. A green glow the same shade as the shield surrounded it before a beam of light fired directly at the green teenager.

"Maybe he really isn't Jack..."

"Gee ya think?"

The beam hit Kitty square in the chest. She screamed in agony as part of her chest disintegrated and fell to the ground.

The temperature dropped further as Danny started to panic. "Kitty are you okay!? I wasn't trying to hurt you!" He tried getting closer but the other ghost wouldn't allow it. She disappeared and reappeared in the shadow of another tree.

An African American boy nudged another African American boy. "Did you see that, Clyde? She disappeared inside a shadow!"

A boy with short brown hair turned to his two identical friends. "Doesn't that sound familiar to you guys? What if she's like Pitch!"

"But she's only staying in the shadows and part of her broke off and fell to the ground."

The girl with the beanie gasped in realization. "Jamie what if she's one of those sand creatures that Pitch used to give us nightmares!"

The kids turned back just in time to see Danny finally get close enough to who he kept calling Kitty. He stepped forward wanting to make sure the other was okay only to get hit with a dark kiss. Expecting to be in some unknown dimension, Danny was confused when the kiss turned to dust on impact. He started coughing as the dust got into his lungs. "You aren't Kitty and you aren't a ghost..." A familiar green surrounded the teen's hands and ice crept towards the female. "So who and what are you?..."

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