Chapter 8: Boo-marang Bruises

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Two days have passed and Danny still hadn't turned up. It was only a matter of time before the Fenton parents noticed one of their kids were missing. Sam, Tucker and Jazz already had contingency plans for when one of them disappeared suddenly. Which was sadly often. The ghost villains knew how important they were to Danny and were often used as pawns for whatever nefarious scheme, and a couple odd times when the ghost was just lonely.

Sam sighed as she waited on the others to show up. They'd all agreed to meet up at her place while her parents were out of town. Snacks and drinks were already set up in the basement. The boo-marang was fully charged and ready to use if necessary. There was a knock at the front door and Sam grumbled to herself. "Its about time..."

Tucker was the first to arrive looking slightly out of breath for some reason. "When did your driveway get so long? It feels longer every time I visit."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Its the same length its always been, Tucker. Your just out of shape."

"I'm in perfect *huff* health."

"Whatever, where's Jazz and other Dani."

"Dani should be here in about twenty minutes. She texted me that she was almost in Illinois and was flying somewhere over either Tennessee or Kentucky. And Jazz was gathering some extra equipment from her parents lab and making sure they don't notice its missing."

"You can go ahead and go to the backyard, I'll wait for the others to show up." When the other teen was almost out of the room she called out. "And don't eat all of the chips this time!"

"I'm a growing boy! You can't limit me to a single bag of chips!"

Sam was about to retort when there was another knock on the front door. Opening it revealed a heap of long red hair, glowing fishing line and Fenton Works inventions. "A little help..."

"Jazz what's all of this stuff for?"

"I thought we could use some extra equipment." The just in case was left unsaid but both girls knew it was there.

"Did your parents make any new inventions that are actually helpful?"

Jazz hummed in thought. "They upgraded the thermoses to hold more ghosts. Mom finally cooked something with ectoplasm that didn't come alive and try to eat us. Its still inedible but Danny and Dani should be able to eat it."

"What is it?"

"I'm not entirely sure what it originally was but I call it ectoplasmic soup. Its basically a liquid ectoplasm." Jazz opened the thermos clipped to her pant loop. Inside of it was a half liquefied green substance that bubbled slightly. The gothic teen accidentally got too close and was met with a foul odor that made her want to vomit.

"Are you sure they'd be able to eat it?"

"Be able to eat what?" The two older girls nearly jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of the younger.

"How long have you been here?"

Dani shrugged, "I just got here. I was flying and saw one of your neighbors walking their dog so I turned invisible."

"So you also didn't use this as an opportunity to scare us?" Jazz smirked and raised an eyebrow.

The younger girl gasped in fake shock. "I would never do something that fun and immature! I'm a mature adult, I'm-" She furrowed her brows. "How old am I again?"

The red haired teen looked thoughtful for a moment. "Physically and mentally your almost twelve, on the brink of starting puberty if you haven't already-" She ignored the embarrassed hey, "- but in reality I think you would almost be a year old."

"Oh..." The silence was long and awkward until Tucker came back inside.

"Do you have anymore of the chili cheese flavored chips that look like tornadoes? Why do all of you look uncomfortable?"

Dani avoided everyone's gaze and put on a cheerful smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Oh its nothing, just a little girl talk! Yeah that's it girl talk, hehe..."

Tucker gave a confused nod. "Okay... well since we're all here should we get this meeting started?"

"I guess we should." The teens made their way to the backyard of the Manson property. On one side was Sam's greenhouse, on the other side was an in ground pool made to look like a pond, a small bridge built above it leading to a flower garden.

Tucker let out a whistle, "Why haven't we been to your backyard before?"

"Because you were only here after dark. Jazz, you were the last person to see Danny with a 'y'. What happened before he was gone?"

The red head gave a long sigh. "We were cleaning up the aftermath of one of our parents fights about Santa Claus. Danny saw that they broke the gingerbread house we'd made earlier that day was broken and got really upset. He said he was going for a walk and that was the last time I saw him. I've been waiting up for him all night and distracting our parents so they don't notice he's missing, but school starts back up in a couple weeks and they'll definitely notice then."

"So we need to find Danny as soon as possible, which is why I have the Boo-merang. Dani can follow it to where he is."

"That might be a problem..." Tucker adjusted his glasses nervously.

"You already threw it didn't you?"

"I put a tracking device on it first! You know how fast that thing is, besides I thought if that doesn't work we can go to the far frozen and ask Frostbite if we can borrow the Infimap."

"That actually seems like a good idea Tuck."


"Jazz how long until your parents get back home?"

"They had to get new hazmat suits and the only place that sells dad's size in in Ohio so they'll be gone a couple days."

"That actually works in our favor, it gives us more time for preparations. Tucker how far from Danny is the Boo-merang now?"

The African American teen checked his PDA. "I'm not entirely sure but at least a couple hours and it's headed towards... Canada? That can't be right." He immediately started messing with different things on his small device.

"Okay, then let's go ahead and get as many warm clothes as we can and start heading for the Far Frozen. Maybe Frostbite will even know why Danny was shivering so much before he disappeared."

A/N: Are any of you good at drawing? I'm trying to find someone that can draw Danny and Jack playing the Final Countdown from Just Dance 4.

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