Chapter 10: Runaway Ghost

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It took Danny only one day to wake up, but he pretended to stay asleep so that he could plan his escape. He finally got that chance when the person watching over him sniffed the air and grinned. "Freshly baked cookies, yes!" As soon as the other person was gone, the halfa was surprised to see it the other white haired boy he'd run in to a few days ago. Quickly turning intangible Danny flew through the ceiling until he was outside. Unfortunately that cold feeling in his core had started coming back, and the freezing temperatures of what he could only assume was the North Pole.

Picking a random direction, Danny started flying. The scenery gradually changed from snowy and barren to lush and green. After a while, he started to get tired and decided to slow down to look for any kind of land mark, or signs of a town. There weren't many that he could seen so the ghostly teen decided to stop and rest for a while.

Once on the ground Danny took a better look at his surroundings. Sure it was great to see things from a bird's eye view, but sometimes it was better to see those same things from a 'regular' person's perspective. He was currently in a clearing near a frozen lake. Nearby was a sign for a town called Burgess. "How convenient." Looking down at himself, Danny decided to transform back into his human self. "Don't wanna draw attention to myself." He didn't notice his hair was still a brilliant white.

Back at the workshop Jack was heading back to the med room with a plate full of cookies when a shattering noise was heard from the Globe Room and something hit the back of the spirit's head. "Why's everything hitting my head!?"

North and Bunny came into the hallway to see what all the yelling was about. The guardian of wonder immediately saw the broken plate of cookies. "Not the cookies!"

Bunny was more rational than his fellow guardians, one who was sadly clutching broken cookies to his chest while the other was laying on the floor in a daze. Glancing near where the other cookies were, the Guardian of Hope saw a strange looking boomerang. "That's an odd looking boomerang. Is this what hit ya, Jack?"

The white haired boy slowly got up and looked at the object in his friend's paws. He rubbed the back of his head, flinching whenever the tender spot was touched. "Um probably? It hit me in the back of my head."

North finally got up from the broken cookies and glanced at the blinking boomerang. "Let me see that Bunnymund. I think I know where it is from." Taking the strange device from his friend, the guardian closely examined it until he found what he was looking for. "Aha! I had a suspicion it was from him!"

Jack gave a confused look as Bunny glared at the name North was looking at. "From who?"

"My oldest believer, Jack Fenton!"

"How old is he?"

Bunny continued glaring. ""Old enough to have children of his own. Which he does I might add!"

"Are you still jealous that he started believing in me more than you? That was almost thirty years ago."

Sensing a fight about to break out Jack spoke. "Where does this Jack Fenton live, exactly?"

"Amity Park, Illinois."

An invisible light bulb went off above the white haired teen's head. "That's the same place I told you I found that spirit. I wonder if he knows your believer."

"If he does it wouldn't be a good thing. For the past couple years Jack Fenton and his wife have been hunting spirits similar to us but refer to themselves as ghosts. Ghosts have a certain glow that surrounds their entire being and their abilities are like no other. They also feel different."

There was a moment of silence before the three guardians realized the same thing. The spirit in the infirmary was actually a ghost. They silently rushed to the room he was supposed to be in only to see it was empty. North's grip on the boomerang tightened as he pulled out a snow globe. "I have a feeling this is a tracking device and the one it was looking for is long gone. We need to find him and get some answers, but first return this to its rightful owner." The snow globe was thrown onto the ground and a portal appeared.

Vlad stood invisibly inside the tooth palace. He and Pitch came up with a plan to kidnap Jack and Danny so they'd be out of the way for everything else. Both men knew how troublesome the two boys could be. The plan relied on altering the boys' memories. Danny's was easy to locate, but since this other Jack was a guardian, his were kept in a special place.

The older halfa easily avoided the tiny creatures that flew in several different directions. He made his way in to a hidden room that was inside a globe room similar to the Boogeyman's. The room had a few treasures in it that didn't interest the man in the slightest. Looking around, Vlad saw five canisters that looked similar to the Dalvco and Fenton Thermoses. Grabbing the one he needed, an idea struck and he flew off in search of a couple other canisters.

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