Chapter 12: The Youngblood Effect

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"This is odd." Tucker tapped away on his PDA. "There was an error message and now my tracking app says its back at Fenton Works."

Dani was balancing on a wall while walking beside the techno geek. "Weird. Should we call Sam and Jazz in case they haven't left for the Ghost Zone yet?"

"No, if they hadn't left already then they would've called saying Danny was back."

The female halfa hopped off the wall. "Well let's go see Danny!"

The teens had already on their way to Fenton Works to use the ops center to quickly get to Danny's location so they were rushing through the front door within minutes. Immediately Dani's ghost sense went off, but it seemed different somehow. She didn't think much of it. "You check Danny's room and I'll check the lab." The two nodded and split up.

Dani made her way from the living room to the kitchen and was saddened by all the broken furniture and burn marks still present throughout her cousins' home. Her ghost sense went off again but it still felt off. Deciding not to brush it off this time Dani transformed before going invisible and intangible before sinking through the floor to the basement.

She was confused at the scene before her. A bunny taller than Jack Fenton was having trouble navigating the basement lab, bumping into almost everything. A man wearing all red with salt and pepper hair frowning at the disarray the lab was in. A teenager with pure white hair and no shoes was sitting on a staff looking at the Fenton Ghost Catcher.

One thing the female halfa noticed was the red man was holding the Boo-marang. "Well that explains why Tucker's PDA said the Boo-marang was back at Fenton Works. Maybe if I get closer I can figure out why these ghosts are here..." Floating closer to the ghosts, Dani listened intently to their conversation.

"There are so many dangers in this laboratory! How could someone raise a child near this!" The red clad man gestured to a beaker overturned and dripping an unknown substance onto the counter and floor.

The giant bunny finally got free from all the narrow passageways that were the counters and larger inventions and stood beside the white haired teen. "I'd be more concerned about that giant door at the back of the basement, mate."

"What door?"

"Jack you've been staring at that dream catcher since we got here."


"It doesn't seem like anyone's home at the moment so I suggest we head back to the workshop and try to figure out what happened to the boy that looked like you."

Not wanting the ghosts to get away, Dani decided to make her presence known. Creating a ball of ectoplasm, she dropped her invisibility. "Who are you and what are you doing down here?" Dani was somewhat proud of herself for using her ghostly intimidation voice without a voice crack. By the "ghosts"' reactions, it was effective. The white haired teen looked nervous, the giant bunny was reaching behind his back, and the red suit man was reaching for swords attached to his hips. "I won't ask again!"

Before they could say anything, the door separating the basement from the rest of the house opened up and a familiar looking techno geek could be seen coming down. "Danny wasn't upstairs and my PDA says the Boo-marang is down here. Did you find him down here?" Finally making his way to the bottom of the stairs he gives the female halfa a confused look. "What are you doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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