Chapter 2: Sandman Vs Nocturne

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When Pitch Black first came upon Amity Park, he was astonished on how much fear such a small town had. It had taken him a few weeks to get to the town since his powers were still drained. So when he finally arrived he saw what had everyone walking in fear, it was ghosts. The town was infested with them.

Each time there was an attack, Pitch would collect the fear to regain his energy. Before long he noticed one particular ghost was different than all the others. This ghost didn't terrorize the humans like all the others, at least not on purpose, no this ghost saved the annoying mortals and most of them loved him for it.

Whenever this ghost did battle with another ghost, Pitch would lurk in the shadows and watch this young ghost as he learned how to use his powers and try to fight the more experienced and powerful beings, except one. That one measly that called itself The Box Ghost. Pitch rolled his eyes in disgust at that one.

With the strange ghostly energy that surrounded the town, Pitch discovered new abilities he never had before. For example, he can make shadows that look very realistic, he also realized he could steal small pieces of the ghosts' shadows and make them do his bidding.

During certain fights Pitch would create a distraction and use his sand to create a distraction and use the nearest shadow to create his own version of that ghost. So far he'd made shadow copies of ghosts named Spectra, Skulker, Youngblood and an odd ghost by the name of Vlad Plasmius. He wasn't exactly a ghost, more like a creepy obnoxious man with ghost-like abilities.

Pitch decided he should also try to actually recruit some of these ghosts and if it doesn't work then he'll continue stealing their shadows and creating a shadow army.

Down in his new lair, Pitch was busy making new nightmare creatures and monitoring the Guardians. The small black sand bat flew in from a nearby shadow and started flying around the Boogeyman's head.

"Stop that you infernal cloud of dust! Did you find anything useful about the boy or those friends of his that always seem to be near him? If you didn't then you shouldn't have come back at all."

The tiny bat landed on its master's shoulder and started chittering in his ear. "So the loud girl has a mini ghost portal for that green monstrosity they call a dog. I'll have to find a way into that place when no one's home. Was there anything else that you found out?"

The little bat chattered again. "The strange meat loving one got his food stolen by the mutt. Why would I care about this information. Go back and see how effective my dream sand is on the boy and his..." Pitched tutted in disdain. "Friends. I don't see the point in something like that."

The little bat flew away into the darkness of the caves leaving Pitch alone with his thoughts. Pitch walked through his new lair creating what he saw fit. Cells appeared nearby as he walked through the spacious caverns. Torches appeared in the tunnels, barely lighting anything in the darkness.

Finally entering the center cavern connecting all the tunnels and caves Pitch stood at the very center of the room and created a globe much bigger than the one in his old lair. "Now this feels like home." The Sandman of the dark turned to look towards the hole in the ceiling where the moon shown brightly. "Why bother asking questions you already know the answers to." There was a brief silence before the gray skinned man spoke again, "I highly doubt the guardians of nothingness can stop me with my new powers. Those so called halfas may be able to sense me, but even the mortals with their strange devices can't even see what sends a chill down their spine. Now if you'll excuse me, I have nightmares to give." The boogeyman stood there smirking as a shadow swallowed him whole.

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