Chapter 7: Meeting the Guardians

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Danny glared at the person in front of him. Then he saw the yeti with the needle and started panicking again.

North turned to see what had the young spirit looking so frightened. One of the yetis, Gerald, was holding a needle. "Gerald I know you are trying to help buy I think the young spirit is afraid of needles." The yeti made a noise that sounded like grumbling before putting the needle away. "Yes I am Santa Clause, but my friends call me North. May I know your name young one?"

Danny continued glaring. "You can't tell who I am? It should be obvious." He coughed into his hand and saw frost appear on it. "What's happening to me?"

Jack carefully watched the other spirit. There was something different about him. For one thing his eyes were now a bright shade of blue instead of the glowing green he'd seen earlier. When he coughed he saw his hand get covered in frost. So the other boy was a winter spirit like him, but why didn't he know how to control his powers? Since their powers were so similar he'd probably be able to help the other spirit control them. The other winter spirit coughed again and more frost appeared on his body and on North.

The cold and pain were starting to be too much. He needed to get rid of the ice and fast. Danny got to his feet and attempted to walk but only took one step before falling to his hands and knees. North tried helping him but he managed to activate his intangibility. If he felt this cold to himself there's no telling what he'd feel like to anyone else. "I n-need t-to get outs-s-side." Danny coughed again, ice spreading across the floor from his fingertips. He tried walking again but almost fell again so he tried floating instead, it worked. Finally able to move without struggling, he quickly made his way through the walls until he made it outside. Taking a deep breath, Danny felt within his core for the source of the cold. When he found it, he slowly guided it to the power being gathered for his wail. Once the two combined, he looked up at the night sky and released a powerful ghostly wail. The sky was filled with green and blue soundwaves, almost resembling the northern lights. Several long minutes passed and Danny finally felt drained of the cold feeling. It was when his vision started going black that he realized he was out of energy, period.

Jack was hot on the other spirit's heels when he decided to flee the medical room. At least he was until he flew straight into a wall. "Owwwww" Jack rubbed his head in pain.

North was quick to find his fellow guardian a little ways away from the medical room and on the ground. "Are you alright Jack? Where did the other boy go?"

Everything started shaking. Small knickknacks and other objects fell off of whatever surface they were on. "There are no Earthquakes in the North Pole! What's going on!" An eight foot tall bunny with two boomarangs strapped to his back emerged from a hole in the floor. As soon as he left it completely the hole closed up only leaving a flower behind. A couple portals opened up behind the giant bunny and the other guardians had arrived as well.

The shaking stopped as soon as it had started. A loud thud was heard on the roof and Jack immediately took off again. Everyone watched the teen leave before turning to North for an explanation. "Okay mate, why did you call us here? What caused that Earthquake?"

"I didn't call you here, but as for the shaking I might have an idea." North started walking in the direction Jack had gone, the others following.

Toothania voiced her confusion, "We saw the lights, if that wasn't your signal then what was it?"

"I think that ties in with the shaking."

All of the Guardians minus Jack ended up in the globe room. Sandy looked up at the ceiling and saw a boy with pure white hair laying on one of the windows. He started sliding down when another boy with pure white hair grabbed him and carried him bridal style to an open window. He had to open it a little more so they both fit. No one other than the Sandman had noticed the pair slip into the room yet and the two guardians held a silent conversation to see how long it took for everyone else to notice them.

Apparently that time was five minutes. Jack felt the other boy shift in his arms before he was suddenly punched in the face. "Ack! My beautiful face!"

Bunny looked up just in time for a boy with snow white hair that wasn't Jack to land on him. "Oi, watch where yer falling!" The only response the giant rabbit got was a slight groan and some mumbling that even his sensitive ears couldn't quite catch.

Danny wasn't fully aware of his surroundings. He felt almost completely detached from his body, but the excruciating pain he was in kept that from happening. He was vaguely aware of someone carrying him. Whoever it was hadn't really moved in the past couple minutes and nor wanting to show weakness in front of a potential threat (or feel like a damsel in distress), Danny used whatever strength he could muster and aimed for where he thought the person's head was. Whoever was holding him dropped him in surprise and the halfa was falling. He'd expected a harsh landing on the ground but was surprised when it was soft. "So tired..." No matter how hard he tried, Danny couldn't fight the impending blackout and his entire being momentarily shutting down to heal.

Bunny carefully got from under the dead weight that breathing softly on top of him. Free from the small but heavy mass that fell on him, Bunny looked down at the unknown figure. He looked familiar, sure the kid looked a lot like Jack but that wasn't why he looked familiar. He turned to North as Phil the yeti came and scooped the teen up. "Did Jack find a long lost relative among the other winter spirits or something?"

Said winter spirit shook his head and shrugged. "Not as far as I know. But I should stay in the med bay with him. So far he's shown uncontrollable ice powers and I'm the only one that can withstand that kind of cold."

North nodded in agreement. "Go ahead, I'll stay here and try my best to explain what's going on." After a brief explanation the other guardians were still confused.

Tooth was the first to speak up. "He must be scared out of his mind. But do you really think that boy was the source of the shaking and the lights?"

"We won't know for certain until he awakens. Young Danny already woke up twice but this time I think he'll stay asleep until morning."

"Sandy and I can't stay any longer, but we'll be sure to come back first thing tomorrow." Tooth and Sandy said their goodbyes before leaving through the snow globe portals. That left Bunny and North to continue discuss things while Jack looked after his lookalike.

"I thought one ice powered teenager with old man hair was enough, now there's two of 'em."

"I believe the young spirit is one of the good ones, but he seems scared more than anything else."

"Didn't something seem kind of off about him though? I don't know about you mate but my instincts are telling me that kid's dangerous." Bunny stared in the direction of the med room.

North hummed in thought. "Your instincts are never wrong. Perhaps we should keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't cause any trouble."

Bunny tried to act upset, but his curiosity got the better of him. He just hoped this kid wasn't like Jack.

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