Chapter 5: Friends and Enemies

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Pitch was in his lair creating more nightmares when his small informant entered the room through one of the various shadows. He didn't bother to acknowledge its greeting, there was no point. "You've been gone for some time. did you find anything important?" The little bat chittered in response. "The green monstrosity befriended you and took you to its portal! Show me where it is this instant!" The small bat gave a few squeaks. "What do you mean I'm too big for it!?" The little bat shied away from his master's angry glare. Pitch glared at his giant globe in frustration, in order for his plan to work he needed to find a way into the so called Ghost Zone.

Danny was in a bad mood. His parents were having their annual Christmas fight on whether or not Santa Clause was real. He also couldn't seem to keep warm. Jazz said if he kept turning up the thermostat on high then he'd make everyone sick. Hot baths were instantly cold and going outside made him feel worse, even when he was bundled in a bunch of winter clothes.

He was walking through the empty streets of Amity Park when he felt he was being watched again. Only this time he knew who it was. Danny glared into the nearby alleyway. "What do you want Vlad? It's Christmas. Shouldn't you be spending it alone with your cat?"

The older man gave a disapproving look to the teen. "Is that anyway to speak to your superiors? Besides I was invited to Fenton Works for the holidays and was making my way over when I saw you leaving. You should really be more aware of your surroundings, Little Badger, I've been following you for quite some time. I could teach you so much if you would just become my apprentice."

Danny's eyes glowed their signature toxic green. He took a calming breath and closed his eyes, when he opened them again they were back to normal. Danny turned and started walking away. "I don't have any time or energy to waste on you today Vlad."

Vlad was slightly surprised. It seems his Little Badger has matured some. "You would've immediately tried picking a fight with me in the past. I wonder what changed."

The raven haired boy visibly flinched but continued walking away. The older male suddenly appeared in front of the younger. Danny's fight or flight instincts 'accidentally' caused him to punch Vlad in the face. "Don't sneak up on people. And you call me rude."

The billionaire shrugged off the snarky comment and punch. "Don't you want to know why that bat spirit has been following you? Clearly its master sees the same potential I see in you."

Danny tried to keep his face neutral. So there was someone following him! But who, and why don't they feel like a ghost. Danny's chest started to hurt or more specifically his core. He clutched his chest in pain and almost fell but was caught before he could hit the ground.

Now Vlad was concerned. He should've noticed how Daniel was shivering, even with all the winter garb he adorned. He just brushed it off as just the cold winter night but it had to be Daniel's core. "Are you alright Little Badger? We need to get you home."

Danny pushed Vlad off of him. "I'm not going back home if my parents' are still having their stip Santa argument and there's no way in Hell I'll go anywhere with you!" He transformed and flew away, terming invisible.

Vlad sighed before turning to the other man now hiding in the alley. "My senses are stronger than the child's. You might as well show yourself." A tall gray skinned man with glowing yellow eyes emerged from the shadows. "So your the spirt that's been following young Daniel. What business do you have here?"

Pitch gave a sharp smile. "You already know who I am but I guess introductions are a proper formality. My name is Pitch Black or more commonly known as the Boogeyman. What about you, halfling?"

Vlad put on a suave smile to hide his irritation at being called a halfling. "I'm sure you already know who I am as well but I agree in proper introductions as well. My name is Vladimir Masters and I'm the mayor of this town." A black ring of light appeared around his waist, traveling in different directions. Now instead of Vlad Masters, a blue skinned man with glowing red eyes, fangs and midnight black hair done up to look like horns stood in front of the spirit. "I'm also known as Vlad Plasmius, the Wisconsin Ghost.

Danny awoke on the lumpy ground. When did he end up there? The last thing he remembered was flying away from Vlad, then he... flew into something? There was a groan from underneath and Danny realized he was laying on top of someone. He quickly got off the person and moved a couple feet away.

Jack let out a groan. He had been minding his own business looking at the night sky while flying when something crashed into him at full force. He felt a heavy pressure as he tried to move and then the pressure was gone. Sitting up the young guardian searched for his staff. He panicked slightly when he couldn't immediately find it. He finally found it and noticed there was someone else nearby, staring directly at him. The winter spirit stood up and started jumping around to make sure the teen wasn't just staring into space.

"What are you doing?" The green eyed boy was confused.

"You can see me!?" Jack couldn't believe this person could see him. Not many children in this town saw him and the ones that did kept mistaking him for someone named Phantom. Now that he got a good look at the guy, he looked a lot like him. The only difference were the glowing green eyes and the black and silver jumpsuit.

Danny didn't even know what to make of the teen standing across from him. "Why wouldn't I be able to see you?"

"Because most people can't."

"So your like Youngblood. Anyway I need to get home. Hopefully my parents aren't still arguing still. Sorry for crashing into you." Danny only made it a couple feet off the ground before his vision became dark and he blacked out.

Jack caught the other boy before he could hit the ground. "Hey are you okay!?" He looked around, panicking. "What should I do? This kid can fly so he must be a spirit like me! Maybe North will know what to do! Hopefully he doesn't get mad I'm ruining his down time right after Christmas." The young guardian pulled out his emergency snow globe and used it to go to the North Pole.

A/N: I hope everyone's having fun during the holidays!

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