Chapter 6: Santa's Real!?

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Jazz was worried about Danny. She's always been worried about him because of their parents but this time she was worried for a different reason. Their parents once again decided to fight about the existence of Santa Clause.

The two siblings had been decorating a gingerbread house in the kitchen when Fenton blasters could be heard being powered up. They barely had any time to dodge before several different blasts entered the kitchen destroying the gingerbread house and leaving several scorch marks. Once it was safe to come out Jazz and Danny assessed the damage. The two adults were no where to be seen so the teens quickly got to work on cleaning up the huge mess. After they did all they could to clean up and fix the kitchen Jazz decided she would order them some food. "Where do you want me to order from Danny?"

"I don't care." At some point the raven haired boy had started shivering again.

"You're shivering again. Maybe we should call a doctor."

"I'm fine Jazz. I'm going on a walk."

The red haired girl sighed. She couldn't blame her brother for being stubborn, its part of the Fenton genes, but there had to be some way to get the help he needed. "Just be careful. And put on a jacket!"

"I know!" The youngest Fenton didn't bother looking at anything in the living room as he made his way to the front door, it was obvious everything was destroyed.

Several hours passed as Jazz waited for Danny to return. It was almost midnight when she decided to go to bed. She checked his bedroom just in case he'd flown in here instead of using the front door only to see the space themed bedroom empty. Going back to her own room, the older teen ready for bed. Casting a worried glance out her window she saw the moon shining brightly. "Where are you Danny?"

Jack Frost paced nervously back in forth in North's workshop. Would he get in trouble for bringing a random spirit here without permission? Most likely. Would he do it again? Definitely without hesitation. One of the yetis had taken the spirit from him and headed to the med bay. Listening closely the winter spirit could hear the faint sound of jingle bells. "Finally." He called forth the wind and used it to fly towards the stables.

North had just finished placing his reindeer in their stables when a cold presence made itself known. Turning he saw Jack flying into the room, a look of worry that seemed out of place for the carefree spirit. "What has you so troubled Jack?"


"Slow down and take a breath, young one."

Jack did as he was told. "I was flying over Amity Park when I found this spirit and they were injured so I brought him here!"

North hummed in thought. "Where is this spirit now?"

"In the med bay. I didn't know what to do but the yetis seemed to have everything under control."

"Let's go see how the spirit is doing." The two guardians left the stables and made their way to the med bay. What they saw upon entering was... confusing. There was patches of ice all around the room. Three yetis struggled against a boy who looked almost identical to Jack, maybe they were related? He seemed to be trying to get away from them but he was also shivering. The more the boy shivered the more ice encased the room and himself.

A few minutes earlier...

The last thing Danny remembered was crashing into another ghost. How did he end up wherever he was? His body felt so cold, too cold, painfully cold. His core felt the coldest it was like it was literally made of ice and it wanted out any means necessary. Opening his eyes Danny saw he was surrounded by... YETIS!? WHAT WAS GOING ON!? They weren't like the ones he'd met in the far frozen. Were they regular yetis? No, that didn't seem right since one of them was trying to check his reflexes. Another brought out a needle and that's when everything went wrong. "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Since Jack was a winter spirit he was able to withstand the extreme cold the other spirit was emitting. "Please calm down! Your creating a lot of ice!"

"Jack try and melt the ice. I'll try to calm him down." North made his way over to the boy who was now pressing himself on the wall of the furthest corner in the room.

"Why aren't my powers working? Why am I so cold? Where am I? Am I going to be dissected by yeti's!?" Danny's thoughts were scattered and it felt like his core was going to be crushed under pressure while simultaneously explode from all the weight that was on it. Everything hurt and he just wanted to curl in on himself, which is exactly what he did.

The guardian of wonder knelt down in front of the young child. Spirit or not this was still a child in need. "It is okay young one. You are safe." North continued gently coaxing the white haired boy until he looked up, revealing scared neon green eyes.

Danny's eyes widened in surprise at who was in front of him. "Santa!?"

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