Chapter 2

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A/N: Thank you to those who have checked out this story and/or added to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter. This one is a bit longer than my first chapter.


The sounds of explosions grew louder as Godzilla swam nearer to the source. It was a good distance away from his home. He felt an urgency grow within him as he began to swim faster. This was not good at all. The creature that heavily captivated the humans was one that he had fought so long ago. It was one with similarities to his archrival Ghidorah, but also very different. He couldn't let that creature be awakened again. He had already destroyed Ghidorah thanks to the help of some other humans and Mothra giving him a much needed power up. He didn't want to have to worry about another creature with similar powers to Ghidorah.

History was inevitable to repeat itself as he had learned in his long-life span. Some humans will be good, others will be bothersome. Some creatures will be helpful, others will seek out destruction. Godzilla eventually came across a group of humans who were dressed up in swimming gear. They had with them bazookas that shot out at a stone wall in front of them. The bullets that came out caused massive destruction. Godzilla scowled at the humans and readied himself to attack. His dorsal plates slowly lit up starting from his tail, trialing upwards on his back.

The group of humans turned around, the blue from the creature a few feet behind them capturing their attention. A blue light shot out from the creature's mouth at lightning speed. Before any of them could react to it, the light reached them and vaporized their existence. Godzilla roared and saw a couple of submarines. They were shooting out a barrage of bullets at him. He roared in annoyance and used his atomic breath on the submarines. His eyes glowed the same color as his atomic breath. He was glaring at the mess the humans made.

The stone structure was crumbling away, slowly weakening in its support. The stone structure was large in size, similar to where Godzilla resided for rest. However, he had remembered placing the devasting creature in this structure because he did not think that humans would venture this far down in the ocean. How very wrong he was about that. He was beyond infuriated that humans could be so persistent in their endeavors to discover and uncover mysteries.

Couldn't humans just leave this and other places alone? They always had to find a way to mess up the natural order. He didn't want to have to pick up the mess of pesky humans and yet, he always was the one to do it. It was a never-ending cycle of repetition for the aging beast. He knew this was what he was meant to do. He was the Earth's protector and as important as that was, he sometimes grew tired of the role. He would never abandon it of course, but it would be nice if humans in one century could just cut him some slack.

He sighed, air blowing through his nostrils. He swam around the area to make sure that there weren't any other humans and large submarines to worry about. Seeing that the area was clear, he decided to swim around the ocean for a while to make sure other areas were still safe.


Y/N finished hanging out with Nathan and entered her apartment. The two hadn't stayed too much longer at the aquarium and she wanted to call her mother to ease her worries. She sat her backpack down and sat down in her recliner. She took her cell phone out of her bag and found her mom in her contact list. She tapped on the screen to call her mom's phone, putting her phone by her ear.

There were a few rings and then someone picking up the call on the other end, "Hi sweetheart."

"Hi Mom," Y/N replied.

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