Chapter 13

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes and/or adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I hope all of you enjoy this!


Valerie was forced to try and talk with Wolit again. She tried searching for an opening only to be repeatedly blocked by the human loathing creature. She sighed out of weariness and the scientists that were with her were growing increasingly frustrated that progress was not being made. Perhaps, it was because she too required rest like Y/N. The scientists chose to stick with that conclusion and let Valerie and Wolit rest.

Valerie let sleep consume her, having dreams of happier times with her grandfather. Everything good with him flashed like that of a lightning strike. The memories were wonderful but gone in an instant. She tried to focus on those good moments as they came and went like the wind. She didn't want her dream to turn into a nightmare.


Wolit was fast asleep. He didn't know what the humans had injected him with, but he knew he was beyond tired. He had no idea either how they grabbed him and the other titans like they had. He and the other titans were practical skyscrapers when comparing sizes to the humans. How could they easily take hold of such large creatures? He will admit that humans can be full of determination and stubbornness. Those were things he wished to tear away from the humans.


Hadeon was causing destruction in her dream. This is what she wanted her reality to be. Burning every single human to mere crisps just as they had destroyed her kind. She would gladly return the favor. She would become queen of this world and every titan would bow in fear to her. She wanted her subjects to know exactly who they obeyed, and she would make sure that they always knew their place. No matter what happens, she would reign supreme over the titan world.


Mothra had recalled trying to make sure that Y/N was safe before she passed out. She felt something get injected into her and she wasn't sure what it was. The netting that fell on her was heavy and she was still tired from the battle beforehand. She hated letting herself be captured. She had a sinking feeling that Godzilla, Rodan, and everyone else was captured too. She felt horrible and wished to have done more. She hoped for a way out soon. She wanted desperately to bring balance.


Rodan had been knocked harshly to the ground. He was annoyed with himself for letting that dragon-bird creature get the best of him. He thought he was better than that. Stronger than that. How could he fail again? He had been knocked unconscious only to wake up in a giant dome. How in the world did he get here? Was it the humans in green? He recalled seeing some humans in green as he was falling from the sky. It had to have been them. What of Godzilla and that one human? Mothra? Hadeon? Wolit? Were they all here as well?


The scenery around her was blue. Endless shades of blue that would turn dark and then light again. She couldn't tell exactly where she was at. It had to be a dream though. Y/N was floating through the vast space around her. She was a little nervous of where she was at and confused as to why nothing more was happening with this dream.

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