Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you for the votes and the comment. I really appreciate it! To those who are reading this, I hope all of you enjoy this chapter. It is a bit longer than the other ones since I wanted to add in more content this time around.


"Y/N!" Nathan shouted running up to her. She was just getting out of her car.

"Hey," she said getting her backpack out of her car and locking it.

"Today is the day."


"Any new dreams from Godzilla's perspective?"

"Yeah. I had one last night where I was swimming in the water fighting off some divers. They were destroying a structure and then this creature made of stone appeared. It was a dragon-bird like creature." She shivered at the mention of the mysterious creature. Something about it seemed very off.

"A dragon-bird like creature buried in the depths of the ocean..." He looked nervous. There had to be a reason a creature like that was buried in the ocean.

"Yeah. I was desperate to stop the divers from taking it. They were going to take it in this giant glass, bubble container. Unfortunately, they ended up being successful. Maybe that creature is something extremely dangerous. Must be given that it was buried in the ocean. I don't know who the divers were working for. I couldn't make out an insignia on their suits."

"I agree. Something suspicious is going on. You don't think..."

"Think what? That they work for Monarch?"

"They could. That or the military or something. Who else is going to find a creature buried in the depths of the ocean?"

"True. Maybe we can find something about the creature possibly."

"Maybe. We'll have to be cautious."

"Well duh. Obviously."

Nathan chuckled embarrassedly, "Anyway, we can talk more at lunch. Class is gonna start soon."

Y/N nodded in agreement and the two friends went their separate ways.


Whitney, having read over her text message from Mr. Parks, hit the call button to speak with him. The phone rang for a few seconds and then the line on the other end was being picked up.

"Whitney," Mr. Parks answered. "Glad you called back."

"What's going on?" she asked nervously.

"Mr. Gibson and his men. They're..." he sighed. "They're going to be taking Wolit to their base today."

Whitney stayed silent processing what was just said.

"There's more. Apparently, the CEO of Monarch funded a secret oceanic expedition. They've managed to uncover something that..." he was worried. Beyond worried. Terrified.

"Mr. Parks..." Whitney said calmly with some nerves of her own. "What was uncovered?"

"They uncovered a creature that could be another alpha predator. Something that I'm sure Godzilla once fought. The creature is something you and I need to do some more research on. They've asked us to go to the military base. They have the creature there already."

"Another alpha predator?" She was stunned. Yes, she had remembered learning about Ghidorah, another alpha predator, and one of Godzilla's greatest rivals. The two had fought in Boston, Massachusetts with Godzilla being the victor. However, there were not many alpha predators aside from Godzilla and Kong who resided on Skull Island. Who could this other alpha predator be?

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