Chapter 10

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes and/or adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! This chapter is shorter, but I wanted to split some of the next events to be in the next few chapters. I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


Still overcome with emotion, Godzilla and Y/N continued staring into each other's eyes. Both were letting the other see into each other's souls. Yes, the dreams each had gave somewhat of an idea of who each other was, but it still didn't tell the full story. The exchange of souls felt like it went on for an eternity. It was just them. No one else. Godzilla, having seen Y/N's face once before, took in her details. Her (hair length and hair color) hair was shimmering in the dawn's light. Her (eye color) eyes shone brilliantly with such fascination. Her facial structure was similar to Cordelia's with some slight differences. The essence of her presence was a deep reminder of Cordelia and the people of his past. He was greatly drawn in.

Y/N had seen Godzilla plenty of times, but never quite this close. His brown/red eyes were beautiful to her. His skin was very spikey but soft looking in other areas. She wished she could feel his skin, but she didn't want to overstep boundaries. Not until there was a complete level of comfort. His eyes were filled with a long history of what he had seen in his vast existence. He had been around for thousands of years after all. His very presence commanded respect of the titans around the globe but understanding of humans. He wasn't mindless like some people believed, but full of intelligence. Full of the many lessons learned throughout his life when it came to dealing with conflicts. She felt herself wanting to know even more about him.

Nathan, Carl, Whitney, and Valerie were all amazed at the exchange in front of them. They never thought of having such a close encounter with the infamous titan. None of them had spoken, but they didn't need to. It was easy to read the room. They were nervous at first, but then a sense of ease had fallen on them. Godzilla was calmed in Y/N's presence. However, the calmness didn't last for very long.

Godzilla raised his head up and growled lowly. He could sense the military coming and they weren't far away either. Y/N felt Godzilla's frustration reflect in her mind and showed worry. Of course they would be nearby, but why now of all times? Godzilla suddenly picked up Y/N in his clawed hand. Not expecting to be picked up, Y/N yelped in surprise. Godzilla held Y/N carefully and she stared up at him.

"We need to leave, but my friends-"Y/N tried to speak with him telepathically and got interrupted.

"If we move away from them, there's a better chance at protecting them," he replied in a hurry.

Nathan and the others weren't prepared for Godzilla to swoop Y/N up into his hand. Godzilla began walking away from the others and Y/N used the moment to communicate with Nathan telepathically.

"Nathan! You all need to leave. The military is onto us and coming into town! Leave now and don't try to go to the base. It's better for all of you to head out of town as far as possible. Hurry!" Y/N spoke to him mentally in a quick manner.

Before Nathan could try to ask Y/N where Godzilla was going with her, the connection was severed. He turned to Carl, Whitney, and Valerie.

"We need to leave. Let's get in the car before the military can capture us," he spoke.

"But weren't we already going back to the base anyway?" Valerie asked.

"Yeah, but Y/N said don't go there." That worried him.

"We need to move. Tell us more in the car," Carl stepped in.

Everyone nodded in agreement and ran to the car. They all hastily got inside with Carl in the driver's seat. As Carl sped out of the town in the direction that Godzilla had walked off to, Nathan explained to everyone what Y/N had told him.

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