Chapter 3

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A/N: Thank you to those who have read through my story. I really appreciate it! To those who read this chapter, I hope you all enjoy it!


The young woman gazed up at the titan with a smile on her face. She and her people had come to learn of him and his powers. A creature so large in stature that an entire city was built for him. Statues dedicated to him. This island was her home, and it harbored many people along with all kinds of animals. The creature stared down at the woman with inquisitive brown, red eyes, reading her soul.

She gladly let him gaze into the windows of her soul through her hazel eyes, long black hair blowing in the breeze passing through. Her eyes reflected curiosity, amazement, and understanding. She in turn stared into the titan's eyes. His eyes shone with understanding as well as comfort and peace.

The human and titan were seeing and hearing each other's thoughts and feelings. How was this possible? The woman had learned of her special gift when speaking with her family. She was able to hear their thoughts without them saying a word aloud to her. She then discovered that she could do the same with this titan.

The titan held out a clawed hand for the woman to climb up on. The woman looked back at him, unsure. He nodded his head signifying that everything would be alright. She carefully climbed up into his clawed hand, wrapping her arms around one of his fingers as much as she could, and he walked with her to an area that looked out over the ocean. The island they were on had many valleys and cliffs.

He guided the two of them to a special cliff. The cliff was special in that this was where they first met. His intelligence was a splendor to behold. It was heartwarming to the woman how he remembered the area they first met in. He stood tall amongst the cliffs and waves crashing against it. He stared off into the distance and the woman joined him.

This world was beautiful and yet, there were creatures or people who would seek out destruction. It had to be preserved. It had to be in good condition for the next generations to come. The woman and creature knew this. They would work together to preserve this planet.

For now, they let tranquility wash over them after dealing with an exhausting battle. A large crab-like creature had decided to cause turmoil and chaos for the residents of the island while also wanting to take out the King of the Monsters. This titan that the woman was fond of was named a king given his strong powers and sheer strength to do battle amongst other creatures of the same stature.

The woman had helped in guiding the titan on where to attack next when the crab creature was getting the better of him. Yes, the titan could stand on his own, but he was grateful to have an extra hand to help him out. The crab was a pest with its large red pinchers and pointy legs. It was not fun to be pinched. The titan eventually showed the crab who was boss with an atomic breath and resounding roar of victory.

The sun was beginning to set, but the woman and titan decided to stay there a little longer enjoying the scenery around them. It would be a day they would never want to forget...


"Mr. Parks," Whitney said as she saw him approach her.

"Whitney. Are you alright?" he asked with concern.

"I'm alright. Mr. Gibson is growing impatient though. We'd better head back into the break room."

Carl nodded in understanding. He and Whitney then walked back into the breakroom.

"Ah. Whitney and Mr....Parks was it?" Gibson asked.

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