Chapter 6

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes, comments, and adding this story to reading lists. I really appreciate it! This chapter is a bit longer than the others, but I hope all of you enjoy it.


"General, how will we store Wolit up again? With our base destroyed-" Gibson was interrupted.

"Relax. It's all sorted out. I have spoken with the CEO of Monarch. Mr. Benson has agreed to store Wolit back at the facility where Carl and Whitney work at," the general answered.

"I see. That is a relief."

"Yes. Workers from Monarch will be here soon to collect Wolit."

Gibson nodded in understanding. The other military personnel had been sent back to their homes while Gibson and the general remained behind to wait for the Monarch workers to come and take Wolit. Carl and Whitney had both been escorted home with the military personnel earlier. Suddenly, the sounds of helicopters could be heard.

A giant glass bubble was being lowered to put Wolit into. The creature was still knocked out from his previous battle with Godzilla, so the workers were able to get the creature into the bubble. Being that Wolit was so large in size, it did take some effort and Gibson and his general decided to help the workers with getting Wolit into the bubble. After safely securing the creature, the helicopters flew back to Monarch. Gibson and the general heaved a few times, catching their breathes.

"Go home now Gibson and report first thing in the morning at Monarch," the general spoke.

"Yes sir," Gibson responded. He was surprised and grateful that his personal vehicle hadn't been destroyed in the fight. He had chosen his parking spot well to avoid all the carnage. He got into his jeep that reflected his uniform and began the drive home. He and the general had both hoped to see that girl from earlier again soon. Seeing that Valerie was injured and would need some time to recover, she was out. That girl with the (hair color) definitely had a psychic connection to Godzilla.

Gibson and the general could see the connection clear as day. What better titan to have for military use than the King of the Monsters himself? It was perfect, however. It would not be easy to get Godzilla to come to them. He left the base quickly when the dragon-bird creature flew off. It would take some serious planning on their end to figure out how to lure Godzilla back to Monarch and to get the girl's help in the process. For now, he decided to focus on the drive back home. Complex planning could wait until later.


Godzilla could see two humans sitting by him. Both were quiet, but extremely tired. The building that he was at was in complete shambles. Something about the human with the long brown hair seemed interesting. He felt that the human had similar traits to him with the psychic abilities. Was she the one speaking to Wolit previously?

Before he could ponder more, the boy from before came up to him, asking if he was okay to which he heard himself say he was fine. The voice was coming out as feminine sounding from him. Of course, he knew this was the girl's perspective he was seeing from. The dreams were more frequent and seemed to happen every night now. The rest of the dream played out with getting into what humans called cars and then entering the home of the girl only to rest once reaching the home. The dream ended and he awoke. He wished he didn't have to see from her perspective anymore. It wasn't helping the fact that she was indeed related to Cordelia.

His heart felt light and heavy with memories of his past human companion. Never again did he want to experience this sort of relationship and yet, something was pulling him back into the idea of it. He shook his head. He needed to focus on getting Hadeon taken down once and for all. He got himself up, the sand rolling off his body in a landslide fashion. He sniffed the air once more and began to head in the direction the dreadful creature flew off to.

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