Chapter 9

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A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait! Life took a huge turn for me becoming more busy and my health added to it. Thank you everyone for the votes and/or adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I made this chapter longer since the wait was so long. I hope all of you enjoy it!


Mothra and Rodan both met up with each other in flight and finished their journey toward Pollington together. It had been quite a while since the two-winged titans had seen each other. The last time they saw each other was when Ghidorah was trying to cause a mess. Rodan apologized to Mothra for what he did. She accepted his apology with ease. She wanted the incident to be water under the bridge. She was always like that. Very forgiving and never wanting to hold onto grudges.

Godzilla could see the two titans he had called out to getting nearer to him. He sighed with relief upon seeing the two creatures close in reach now. Rodan and Mothra both landed with ease on the ground near where Godzilla stood. Godzilla then explained the situation about Hadeon making a reappearance. Rodan had never been in contact with Hadeon but had been informed of the creature before from Godzilla.

Mothra had only seen the destructive creature once and didn't get the chance to fight it off for she had flown away quickly from the area the two were in. She didn't like hearing about Hadeon and neither did Rodan. Godzilla also informed them about some humans that are trying to follow them. One of them reminding him of Cordelia.

Mothra's eyes widened at this, "Now that's a name you haven't said in a long time," she spoke to him telepathically in a gentle, surprised voice.

The king sighed, "I know," he answered. "I can tell that the girl is related to Cordelia though. Same abilities and all. Appearance is different, but both are born in the same family."

"Cordelia?" Rodan asked. He didn't know too much about Cordelia other than she was an important human companion for the alpha titan.

"Cordelia was my human friend. She could speak with me telepathically just as we can to each other. She helped me in many battles and then one day, that vile Hadeon came and took her away from me. I told Cordelia to stay back, but she didn't listen. Always so stubborn until the end." Godzilla had to close his eyes from the painful memory.

Mothra extended one of her legs to the king's shoulder, trying to give a comforting pat. She knew this loss tore him to shreds. In more ways than one.

Rodan's eyes glimmered in sadness. That must have been a traumatic event. He himself had never really bonded with humans, didn't have a desire to do so. Hearing about Godzilla losing a companion from a chaotic creature made his heart swell in agony. "I...I'm sorry about that."

Godzilla looked at Rodan, "No need to apologize, but thanks."

"Do you know exactly where Hadeon is at now?" Mothra asked Godzilla. She couldn't exactly sense the presence of the nonbenevolent creature.

"Somewhere on the other side of this town the humans call Pollington," Godzilla answered. He wanted Mothra's and Rodan's help in tracking the creature down and hopefully putting a permanent end to the creature. He didn't understand how the injured, destructive causing creature could manage to move so much. He guessed it had to do with adrenaline rush. That was the only thing that could make sense.

"Are we going to split up?" Rodan asked.

"Yes, and then call out if one of us spots her," Godzilla said.

"Hmm...I don't know if we should split up," Mothra's voice laced with concern. "I think we should stick together."

"I suppose that would be a better idea," Godzilla agreed.

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