Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes and/or adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


Darkness. Never ending. The light was nowhere to be found. It was like falling into an endless abyss. The dark swallowing anything and everything in its path. Y/N couldn't make out where she was at. She just knew that not one speck of light could penetrate the area she was in. She tried to adjust her vision to the darkness, but even her eyesight struggled. It was like being permanently blind. Something she hoped to never experience. She didn't wish to lose something as precious as eyesight. She continuously blinked her eyes, hoping they would learn to get used to pitch blackness around her.

Her (eye color) eyes finally seemed to relax and take in the darkness. She felt the floor beneath her. Cold. Metallic. She slowly stood up and tried to walk only to discover and hear the sound of chains. Her ankles had been chained and only some much extension was allowed. She tried moving her arms and a binding was not found. She couldn't even see her hand in front of her face if she tried to hold her hand out in front of her. This was the darkest place she had ever been to. The cold and metallic feeling came back to her mind. What was she in? She tried using her ears to listen carefully.

She felt it. Movement. What sounded like...water? Her body stood still, and she could feel her body trying to sway with the movement. Was she...sailing? That was it. She was on a ship probably out in the ocean more than likely. Where she was sailing to, she could not guess. The last thing she remembered was being with Mothra. She and the queen were up in the air, trying to get away from the military. The air rushed past her, her hair flying everywhere. Then nothing. What happened to Mothra? Was she alright? What about Godzilla? Rodan? Hadeon? Wolit? Where were they all at?

Godzilla. Her heart felt heavy. She knew he had struggled a bit with the battle before she passed out. Rodan as well. Hadeon and Wolit were tough. She hoped Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan were all okay. She prayed nothing happened to them. She sat herself down, slowly feeling around her and tried to stretch her legs out as much as the chains would allow. What happened to Nathan, Carl, Whitney, and Valerie? Were they all unharmed? She hoped they were able to get away safely from the chaos.

She wanted to try and contact Godzilla. Could she reach him? She had to try. She closed her eyes and concentrated, furrowing her brows. She could feel the presence of many people on board the ship. Where was he? Was he swimming in the ocean nearby? Was he not close at all? She continued to search for his presence and came up empty. She sighed sadly. Where is he? She was nervous now. Where was she being taken to? She needed to know. She decided to try and pry into the mind of one of the people she sensed on board.

She quickly found someone. There was a man near a door to what she presumed was the very room she was being held in. She tried to break into his mind. He had a strong barrier in place. It took some more of her mental energy to break the barrier, but little cracks were beginning to form. The cracks grew in size, scattering like a grape vine along a wall. Soon, the barrier shattered like a glass cup being dropped on the floor and she was in. She tried searching for important thoughts about the ship she was on.

Oh no. She found what she was looking for and it wasn't good news. She was being transported to an island along with the other titans. She would once again be put to the test on communicating with Godzilla to use as a military weapon. She delved out of the man's mind and shook her head, opening her eyes. Of course. She should've figured that the military was going to try again with this. When would they give up? Never. They would continue until the juice ran out for everyone involved in this endeavor. She had to try and break out of here. She felt for the chains that were binding around her ankles. Could she make the chains come off so easily? She hoped so.

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