Chapter 5

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A/N: Thank you for the votes and to those who have added this story to their reading lists. I really appreciate it! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


Sirens rang, red lights flashed, and people scrambled about. An alarm indicating that something was slowly coming sounded. Carl and Whitney, who were still trying to make themselves at home in their office, stood on their feet and exited the room they were brought into.

"What's happening?" Carl asked.

"Godzilla was seen at the beach, and he appears to be coming this way," a female worker answered.

Whitney's eyes widened and she looked at Carl, "Could it be because of..." she couldn't finish her question.

"It has to be," Carl responded. He knew what Whitney was hinting at.

The two Monarch workers left the area to try and get to where the stone creature was being kept at. That creature had to be the reason for Godzilla coming. Either that one or Wolit. Carl felt it had to be the stone creature. Even he felt off with simply looking at it. Wolit was dangerous yes, but why would a creature be turned to stone if it wasn't even more powerful and dangerous?

Carl and Whitney came back to where both creatures were being kept and saw Gibson and the general looking at some monitors.

"He should be here in the next 30 minutes or less," a male worker said.

"Very good," the general said with a smirk.

"How is this a good thing?" Carl asked.

"Because now we can test Wolit out on him," Gibson answered.

"But Valarie, hasn't she had any rest?" Whitney asked with concern.

"We believe she's ready now. She's made significant progress," the general spoke.

Whitney didn't care for his expression. She sensed something was done to that poor woman to 'enhance' her progress. Carl glared holes in the back of the general's head hearing that.

"Oh, come now you two. We didn't do anything that would cause serious health problems," the general had sensed the glare from the old Monarch worker and seen Whitney's expression of disgust.

"So, you say," Whitney said with some slight venom in her tone.

"Relax sweetheart," Gibson said. "Everything is under control."

"Uh huh," Carl said with a disapproving tone.

Just as the general was going to say something, a loud crash could be heard.


Y/N and Nathan continued staring at the approaching titan. Godzilla was much closer to them now. Each step he took, the ground shook. Y/N couldn't help but be hypnotized in a way while Nathan was wanting to get away fast. However, he didn't want to leave Y/N by herself. Godzilla kept staring at Y/N. Something in him stirred and he had to find out what it was.

His brown, red eyes were locked specifically on her. He had of course noticed the other human, but the girl intrigued him. He could see the fear in the boy's eyes and fascination in the girl's eyes. When he was close enough to them, he stopped walking and knelt, bending his head toward the two.

Nathan, with shock and terror, yelped. Y/N was startled but didn't move her eyes from the titan. Godzilla peered into Y/N's (eye color) eyes. It was as if he were trying to read her soul. Y/N stared up into the blazing eyes of the titan. She felt she was under through examination with how intense the practical staring contest became. Her eyes were unblinking as were his. She was tempted to reach up to touch him, but would that be such a good idea? Probably not.

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