Chapter 8

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes and adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I'm sorry for the wait. Life has become much more busy as of late. I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


Valerie had finished her meal and gazed through the window of her hospital room. Evening was approaching fast with the sun saying its farewell only to soon be replaced with the moon's light. She closed her eyes and sighed. She knew she was going to be released tomorrow and wanted to find a way to escape before Gibson could come get her the next day. She knew he would be the one to pick her up. The second in command gave her the creeps.

However, with how strict the medical field is, someone had to be there to pick her up. She couldn't just leave. She did get a feeling that the girl from before had been captured. As she thought more about it, she did sense that the girl possibly possessed psychic abilities. She decided, as much as she didn't want to, that she would let herself be captured. If only to see if what she felt was right. If so, she wanted to escape from being captured and help the girl out if she needed it.

Ever since she was a child, not many people understood her. Her parents were disgusted with her. Even though the psychic abilities came from her mother's side of the family, her mother and father were both horrified. She couldn't completely control her abilities until her adoptive grandfather showed her how. She was grateful for his knowledge of how psychic powers worked. He taught her well and she was glad to have found someone who understood her.

The moon had risen and had been up for a while. She decided she should try to get some sleep. Weariness and some dread were seeping into her thoughts. Tiredness because of being cooped up and disappointment because of going back to the place she didn't want to see...she shook her head and laid down. Closing her eyes, she let sleep take over.


Whitney, Carl, and Nathan were still in the cell at the Monarch facility. She had been watching through the little window that was in the cell door for any grunts to return. Someone had to come back was taking more time than she thought it would. She had to stand on her tip toes and couldn't hardly stand anymore looking through the window. She walked away and sat down.

"My feet are beginning to ache..." she spoke as she sat down against the wall.

"I'll keep an eye out," Nathan spoke getting up.

Whitney gave the young man an appreciative smile as he walked by her. Something still came to mind though, "How are we going to get Y/N out of here? I'm sure they have her hooked up to wires just like they did with Valerie."

"Well, we'll need you to distract the grunts long enough for Nathan and I to find Y/N and get her out of the room they have her in," Carl answered.

"Makes sense. I just hope I can do it..."

"You'll be fine."

Nathan was still bothered with how he couldn't handle being there for Y/N. He really cared for her. He didn't want her hurt or to be used in a horrible way. He felt like a large boulder got hurled at him and he was trapped beneath its weight. He knew he shouldn't be so hard on himself, but he couldn't help it. Whenever he messed up, he was always hard on himself depending on what was being dealt with at the moment.

He shook his head. He needed to focus on watching out for the grunts and deal with the emotional disappointment later. Just then, two voices could be heard approaching the cell. He turned to Whitney and Carl, "Get ready."

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