Chapter 14

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A/N: Thank you everyone for the votes and/or adding this to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! This is the final chapter. I have had so much fun writing this story! For those who are interested, I will be working on another Godzilla centered story which will be more lighthearted. I hope to have the first chapter of that posted in the next few weeks. Anyway, I hope all of you enjoy this last chapter!


Godzilla had spotted some cliffs that could give a good vantage point and he was making his way over to them. Y/N's eyes looked up at the sky. Far above her and the others, Rodan, Mothra, and Hadeon were fighting. Wings flapping wildly, swooping, soaring, and hitting each other with their best moves. The air fight had not slowed down. Rodan unleashed more fire breath on Hadeon who quickly dodged the blaze. The fire was coming toward Mothra who had to descend from the attack. Mothra tried using more of her webbing on Hadeon who again dodged the attack. Mothra next tried using her stinger on Hadeon. The bird-dragon screeched from the pain of the stinger. Mothra was able to get her stinger on Hadeon's right side, easily piercing the feathery skin.

Rodan used this moment to send his flames onto Hadeon who cawed at the searing pain. The burns along with being stung were almost too much for her to handle. Rodan flew closer to the destructive creature and grabbed her with his clawed feet. He decided a little pay back was in order. He carried her as high as he could go and let her fall. Hadeon's wings were singed from the fire of Rodan. She tried to flap her wings, but they didn't do any good for her. She could see the ground coming closer.

Godzilla had just reached the clifftop and he watched Hadeon falling. This would be the perfect shot for his atomic breath. He waited until she was a bit further down. He got himself ready to shoot out his blue fire, his dorsal plates all lit up. She was within range now. Godzilla unleashed his atomic breath with a loud roar. Hadeon, still trying to flap her wings, could see the blue fire coming towards her. She closed her eyes and tried to shield herself, making her fall faster. The atomic breath of Godzilla hit her, causing feathers to burn off her body.

Hadeon screamed from the pain and her body struck the ground, causing the island to shake from the impact. Y/N and others tried to keep their balance from the impact. Y/N focused on seeing through Godzilla's eyes. He jumped off the cliff, landing on all fours, and ran toward where Hadeon fell. Rodan and Mothra descended to join their King. Godzilla stood on his back legs before the gaping hole created by Hadeon. She had created a large crater. She tried to move her legs, her regenerative powers beginning to take effect.

"You won't stop me!" Hadeon shouted telepathically to the trio.

Y/N could feel the sound of Hadeon's voice in her own ears, still being very attuned with Godzilla. It was almost ear splitting.

Godzilla growled out and looked at Mothra and Rodan, silently signaling that they attack together. Mothra and Rodan nodded and got themselves ready with Godzilla. Godzilla's back and tail were let up blue, Mothra was glowing in a golden hue, and Rodan's body lit up red. All three were aimed at Hadeon. The human hating creature tried to climb out of the hole since her wings would once again take time to heal. Adrenaline rushed through her body, urging her to get out of the crater.

Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan all unleashed their attacks on Hadeon. The fire attacks from Rodan and Godzilla singed her body more. Mothra's attack had temporarily blinded the creature and she used her webbing to keep the destructive being in place. Hadeon cawed so loud that Y/N and the others had to cover their ears from the cry. It almost felt as if their ear drums would burst. The King, Queen, and Fire Demon ceased their attacks. Smoke was filling up the crater. Had they managed to burn the titan of ill will at last? Something was moving in the smoke. Godzilla squinted his eyes to try and inspect more. Hadeon had almost been completely burned up. Her eyes were blazing in anger. The feathers from her body had been burned off with a few patches remaining here and there. Her wings barely had feathers on them. Her clawed feet were badly damaged.

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