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You grip on with all your might knowing how much pain you're in this is gonna hurt so badly. You lift yourself up onto the window ledge and let your feet dangle down over the window. Taking a deep breath as you feel the cold breeze hit your legs you shuffle your way down the rope and land in the bushes at the side of your house. You make a run for it. Jumping out of the bush and onto the main road.

Once you're down the street your sprint becomes a walk. Feeling the vodka hitting your head you whisper to your self.

"F*ck I shouldn't have drank so much" you start to feel very dizzy.

But this was a good dizzy, you felt good, no anxiety no stress you felt free for the first time in years. All of a sudden the effects of the alcohol starts to impair your vision and judgement and you crash into a tree.

"Wow I should drink more often" you say to yourself not feeling anything but a numbing sensation.

You stumble across a bench and sit down for a minute trying to gather your thoughts together. Within minutes your eyes start to become heavy, drifting in and out of consciousness until you fall asleep.

***** 9th july 2021*****


" I'm starting to get tired Leah, can we go back home now it's getting late" you say looking at your watch.

Your eyes widen when you see the time.

"It's 2 am how did we loose track of time"

" wow that game of monopoly really has taken 4 hours. That's what you get playing with my family lucy" Leah laughs glancing over at her mum.

You adore how much Leah loves her family.

"I'll leave it set up and we can carry on the game tomorrow night if you'd like" Amanda suggests moving it over to the larger table in the kitchen.

"sounds good to me, Thankyou for having us over I've really enjoyed it" you say sending Amanda a hug smile.

You both head over to the car.

"I've had such a good night babe. Thankyou for taking me to your mums. I needed it." You say placing your hand on her thigh.

On the way back to the house the drive is very quiet.

"what's going on babe you're not your self." Leah questions you.

" you know I have a daughter???" Leah nods.

"Well i gave birth not far from round here so it always brings up memories for me. It's just hard I guess. I wonder what's she's up to all the time. I wonder if she likes football, what her new parents are like"you say putting her head back down.

" I'm sorry babe, I know it must be hard but you did the best thing for her at the time you where only 15," she reassures you by placing her hand on your leg comforting you.

"Lucy look over there. There's a girl on the bench. It's bloody 2am whys she out at this time" you look up with worried eyes.

Hoping it's not who she thinks it is...
You immediately jump out the car to see if she is ok. As you walk over to her you can see cuts and bruises covering her body from head to toe. You reach out to check if she's still breathing.

" she's out cold, what should we do?? I bet her mum and dad are worried sick."

" our house is only 20 mins down the road maybe we should take her there get her cleaned up see what's going on." Leah says looking at you for confirmation.

You nod picking her up with Leah and carry her frail body to the car. Leah sits in the drivers seat whilst you hold her comforting her, hoping that she wakes up soon.

As you arrive at your house you pick the girl up off the back seat and carry her up the drive. Struggling to get the door unlocked Leah takes the keys, opens the door and you head over to the sofa laying the girl down while you sit close by. She looks so familiar to you. Like you know her but can't quite think where from.

"Sh*t" that's when it hits you She's got to be your daughter.

There's no doubt about it, she looks so much like you when you where younger. You try not to get your hopes up so you call for Leah.

"Leah get her now quickly please hurry" you whisper just loud enough for Leah to hear you but quiet enough it didn't wake the little girl up.

Leah comes running in confused at what was so urgent.

" Leah can you come sit with me please, it's important." You demand patting the sofa lightly.

Leah sits down next to you both and look down at the little girl.

"Wow luce she looks just like you" Leah then realises what's going on.

"this is my daughter Leah I'm sure of it, I can sense it. And look at her look what I've done to her. I could have kept her and gave up with my football at least she would have been safe." You start to quietly sob into your hands realising the massive mistake you made at 15. How this is all your fault.

" you can't blame yourself for this luce, we don't know what's gone on yet. We will have to ask her when she wakes up" With that the little girl starts to wake up screaming, groaning and panting.

She must be having a nightmare and soon enough your motherly instincts kick in.

"it's ok baby girl I've got you I'm here." With that you hold her tight, rocking her back and too just like you did when you gave birth to her. This surprisingly works as when you look down she's fast asleep.

"what are we going to do Lucy. We can't keep her it's kidnap, but we can't let her go because she might get hurt again. We need to find out what's going on" You carry on sobbing holding her tight not ever wanting to let go.

"Le I wonder if she still has the same name I gave her. I called her y/n after my great nan." This makes you smile bringing back all the old memories.

"I hope she has I love it. Why don't we text the arsenal girls to come over in the morning see if we can work out together what to do, they are family after all"

"ok yes I'm happy to do that" With that you carry her up the stairs, along the hallway and into your room. Placing her on the bed you tuck her in and just stand there still shocked at the events that had just taken place.

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