Ive Missed You Mum 🥺

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It's Millie and Rachel. You stay frozen to the ground just staring at the two girls. Within seconds they are by your side."so what you doing right now." Millie questions. You've never spoken to the girls without Lucy or Leah present, you were scared to say the least. You look down at your shoes finding them very interesting.

" nothing" you say quietly hoping they just walk off. But they don't instead Rachel swings her arm around your shoulder causing you to flinch.

" how about you come do tik toks with me and Millie." She asks starting to jump around. You look up and smile.

"Are you sure you want me to, I would just be getting in the way." You say not wanting to be an inconvenience. "Nonsense" Millie states causing you to giggle you'd love to. And with that you follow them to their room which is opposite yours. As Millie shuts the door you start to panic, what are they going to do? Are they shutting the door so they can beat you. Millie instantly notices your sudden change in behaviour.

She crouches down in front of you taking your hands in hers. "Hey little one, what's going on." You want the door open so if you need to leave it's open.

"C...can w....we keep the d...door open, its it's just I'm not ready to shut it yet." And with that Rachel runs over to the door and propping it open.

You spend the next 3 hours dancing around with Millie and Rachel, you feel so happy. Within 10 minutes you shut the door now feeling comfortable.
You feel proud that you taught them 5 new dances. They loved spending time with you.

Millie posted on her Instagram story

Millie posted on her Instagram story

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"Leah my phones ringing."you say stressed seeing the court number on your phone. You stand up pacing up and down.

"answer it babe, it might be important."

Reluctantly You answer the phone.


Hi Lucy bronze speaking

Hello there my name is sophie, I'm just calling you to let you know that while this court case is going on I'm going to grant you parental responsibility as a temporary measure. As I can see y/n loves staying with you and is happy to so we put her best interests at heart.

Omg that's great, Thankyou.

As you know there are a lot of accusations being thrown from both sides. This is a very serious case. We will be following up on all pieces of evidence and we will need y/n to appear on the stands in court.

your face drops, your poor baby has already been through enough with out having to stand up in front of people answering the judges questions. You turn away from Leah and walk off to your room. Locking yourself in the toilet.

I completely understand what you're saying

Just remember the parental responsibility is only temporary, I don't want you getting your hopes up. If her foster parents win then it will be withdrawn immediately and y/n will be handed back to them within the 24 hours do you understand

I do, Thankyou. Speak to you soon

Take care now.

And with that you hang up the phone dropping to your knees the tears come streaming out. A few seconds later there's a knock at your door. You don't answer you stay on the floor, trying to process everything sophie just told you.
Are you going to loose your baby girl? This is all you fault! You can't send her back there she won't survive.

Another knock at the door interrupts your train of thought. "babe open the door it's only me." Leah whispers calmly

You don't want to speak to her, you need to be alone for a bit. "Don't worry babe go catch up with the girls we have an intense two weeks, go enjoy your day." You say weakly leaning against the bathroom door.

Leah stubbornly says "I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait for you on the bed when ever you're ready." With that you unlock the door with tears streaming down your face. You can see the worried looks taking over Leah's face.
"come here babe, what did they say on the phone." She says softly opening her arms for a much needed hug. You melt into her touch as you both lie back on the bed in each others arms.

You start to cry. She going to be gutted. "They told me I've got parental responsibility till courts over."

Leah looks happy. "well that's a good thing babe, nothing to worry about." She says confidently kissing the top of your head while she runs her hand through your brown locks.

"There's more" you say. Leah's face drops. You take a deep breath while clutching onto Leah's free hand "She told me that if her foster parents win then I have to hand y/n over within 24 hours. I can't let her go back there. She won't survive." You say scared knowing you could loose your daughter once again and this time it will be for good.

Leah collects her emotions together "let's try and think positive now, and enjoy every last moment we have with her ok" she speaks softly wiping away your remaining tears with her hand.
You both get up to go find y/n. As you walk out of the door all You can hear is laughing coming from Millie and Rachel's room so you knock on the door. Rachel opens the door with a huge grin on her face.

"Lucy, Leah hi, yes I'm sorry we may have kidnapped your daughter, she's just like you, got the same dance moves as you an all." You all giggle. A sigh of relief takes over that your baby girl is enjoying herself.

Out of nowhere Y/n comes running towards you and jumps into your arms whilst screaming "MUMMY IM HAVING THE BEST TIME EVER." You love the fact she calls you mummy, even tho she's 12 she's never had someone to call mum before. Rachel and Millie show you the videos of them all dancing. Y/n is so confident but you notice she has Millie's headphones on which starts to concern you a little.

"well little one you are talented. You can sing, you play football and now dancing. I'm so proud of you" you say amazed at how far she's come in the past few days.

She hugs you tight as you lift her up from the ground and onto your hip. "I've missed you mum." Y/n whispers in your ear.

A/N - just a short one, should be posting again tonight, have a fab day Xx

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