3. 2. 1. GOOOOO

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Tw- self harm / ABUSE⚠️⚠️⚠️


"watch your language!" You shout back feeling the rage taking over.

"babe just let her calm down, she's gone through a lot, you can tell she struggles with her emotions. She's just lashing out. She'll be ok." Leah states reaching her hand over to your thigh giving it a light squeeze to reassure you.

"But she won't be ok will she Leah. This is all out of control, and it's my fault." You sternly reply putting your head into your hands.

Suddenly you feel Leah's hand rubbing up and down your back making you jump bringing you back out of your own head. She slowly brings your head into her chest while a stray tear escapes your eyes. "It's ok lu, we've got her. She'll be ok. We will be ok."


You go into your room slamming the door behind you and collapse onto the bed. Your exhausted. But so angry for no reason. Slowly you lift your self up and route through your bag. You get out your old phone, turn it on and scroll through the violent memories that you recorded. You just needed to feel something. As you hit play your body warms.


"Your going to do as daddy says. Your going to show me just what a good girl you are." He sniggers.

He slaps you straight across the face grabbing you by the scruff of your neck. You groan at the stinging feeling intensifying on your cheek.

"Listen here, if your a good girl for me you can have some of our takeaway. But if your not I promise you now that you won't walk for a week."

You nod your head eagerly as your mouth waters at the mention of food.

He grabs your head pulling you up to stand. Another Strike across the face knocks you down causing him to laugh.

Next thing you know you get a boot to the ribs, causing you to groan a lot louder.


Your rum-age through your bag. You take the blade to your skin, this time your thigh would be the victim. You drag the blade across your skin, cutting deeper and deeper.

"Shit, too far y/n" you say to your self. You shove the blade on the table and grab a towel to stop the bleeding, you feel a weight lift off your shoulders. It felt so good.

A yawn suddenly takes over, you can feel yourself going to sleep, you throw the towel into the bathroom and crawl over to your bed deciding to get an early night.


You and Lucy decide to catch an early night as Lucy was snapping at everyone, you though it was best to remove her from the girls and let her catch some sleep.

When you get to your room Lucy goes to check on y/n but You stop her. "Let me go. She might still be upset." You whisper not wanting to startle her.

You walk into y/n room and see she's fast asleep. As You go to turn the bathroom light off you notice a towel covered in blood that's been discarded into the bath tub. "Fuck" you whisper to your self. Your quick to scan the room and notice one of your kitchen knifes on the table. You pick it up and take it straight to Lucy.

"lu, she's hurt herself. I don't know where or how bad but by the blood on the towel and the knife I just found on the table it's got to be deep." You show Lucy as tears escape your eyes.

"how did I not see the signs. My poor baby. She needs us le." Lucy sobs feeling extremely guilty. You follow Lucy to y/n room and you both get into bed with her holding her comforting her. "le we need to talk to her tomorrow. Show her she's not alone." She whispers grabbing your hand.

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