You Must Be Miss Bronze

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*****wednesday 13th July 2021*****


Your abruptly woken up to Leanne who decided it was a good idea to tip water over your head, you squeal causing you major amounts of pain in your chest. The stabbing pain only getting worse in a matter of seconds.

"get up you're going to school you need to show ur face so no one gets suspicious. I'll drop you off. Get changed now we are leaving in 5."
She demands with a smirk quickly leaving the room.  You slowly get up getting yourself changed but with every move the pain continues to get worse. You silently cry to yourself.

"I can't do this anymore, I want Lucy" you whisper to yourself.

You stumble down the stairs struggling to breathe. This is not good. For the past three days you havnt had to make them food meaning you have hardly eaten. Leanne chucks you an out of date cereal bar. You stumble down the drive and get in to Leanne's car. She drops you at school and you head to your lessons. You hear there's a football workshop at lunch but you don't go due to your injury's.


You pull up to Milton Keynes high school with a smile on your face hoping to be reunited with your daughter. You can't help but worry. What if she's not in? Why doesn't she want me to visit her home? Is she even ok? Your broken out of your thoughts by the receptionist talking.

"Hello you must be miss bronze, here's a visitors badge. Make sure you wear it at all times. I think the girls are going to go crazy when they find out who's leading there lunch time session today." She giggles.

"Let's hope they enjoy it hey." You reply but all that you can focus your mind on is the little girl you picked up off the street which just happened to be your daughter. As you follow the receptionist towards the sports hall you notice how quiet it is.

"What time will the girls be here?." You question not being able to wait any longer.

"About 5 minutes Miss bronze." You just nod your head and enter the sports hall. After setting up a few drills around the giant hall you sit yourself on the floor connecting your phone to the speaker.
As you turn around about 14 girls walk into the hall, as you search for y/n you realise she's no where to be seen.

You take a deep breath and tell the girls about the drills which they all cheer and head off to the assigned station and get to work. Your pacing up and down. Where the hell is she? Is she hurt?
You decide to pull a girl to the side. "Is y/n not in today" the girl replys "she's been off but I think she's in today."

The doors to the sports hall open and you immediately look up hoping it's y/n however your hopes quickly get broken as you notice there coach walking in. Beth approaches you "hi miss bronze, it's a pleasure to have you here. We really appreciate the support especially from one of the arsenal/ lionesses themselves."

You smile before excusing yourself on a mission to find y/n. Walking out of the sports hall and towards the stairs you notice legs sticking out from underneath as you poke your head down your met with the girl you've been looking for. You see her sat there all alone staring into space. Not wanting to startle her you crouch down slowly placing your hand on her arm causing her to flinch. "hello stranger. Are you not going to join us today" you ask hoping she didn't realise the training was on.

You notice y/n slowly relax at your presence before looking down at her hands." I'm injured at the mo, someone took me out yesterday at training." She says confidently but you know she's lying as she's not been in school the past two days. 

"come with me you're going to join in. If it gets too much you come straight to me ok." If she was genuinely hurt you wouldn't have made her join in but you know she's not been in so she couldn't be injured. Putting your hand out, y/n reaches for it to help her stand up. Gently you pull her into a side hug and walk down the corridor together. All the stress and worry you've had over the past few days goes. Your finally in the presence of your daughter again. 

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