My Friends Call Me Mini Bronze

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*******3am 9th july 2021******
Y/n pov

You start to toss and turn, groaning reaching out for help, "please don't hurt me I'm sorry I shouldn't have been late I won't do it again" you cry out in pain.

" le what's going on who hurts her, I'm so worried" Lucy says with tears in her eyes.

Leah reaches over placing a hand on Lucy's leg. "Babe we will get to the bottom of this I promise" leah whispers with a sad tone to her voice.

Your gripping your hands around Lucy's neck holding on for dear life. " le I'm scared." Lucy says while she pulls you in closer, Leah rubs your back. You start to settle again sinking your head into Lucy's kneck. You feel safe for the first time. Next minute leah drops her phone on the floor causing you to jump up and lean your back against the bare wall.

"please don't hurt me I'm sorry" you say slowly opening your eyes looking at the two people on the bed. Your minds foggy and you feel sick to your stomach with the beating your about to receive.

" hi, don't worry we won't hurt you." A voice says. You look down embarrassed not registering who it is.

" sweety come sit with us we can talk about what's going on."You recognise the voice slowly looking up. "Oh my are you Leah Williamson and lucy bronze??, am I alive" you say smacking your self across the face. Feeling the sharp stinging slap across your face you look up again to realise in fact you are not dreaming.They both start to giggle.

"Yes it's us, we found you hurt curled up on a bench, we were going to help clean you up in the morning as we didn't want to disturb your sleep. Why don't you introduce yourself." The younger blonde says giving you a sweet smile.

You're still shocked that your idols are sat in front of you not only that you're in there bedroom. "Ermm my name is y/n bronze, I'm 12 years old and I live in Milton Keynes. My birthday is the 30th November 2007. I don't know where I was born. Sorry for rambling on." You feel your face redden within seconds from embarrassment.

Lucy and Leah's eyes light up. You look at them confused. "It's the same last name as me" Lucy smiles.

"I know" you laugh, "my friends call me mini bronze, they joke that you're my mum." You all start to giggle.

"Let's see to your cuts little one." Lucy says calmly, about to look. You pull away Whilst  saying,"don't worry about them".

Lucy stops you, "come on little one, at least let me bathe that huge gash on your head and then when you get up in the morning you can grab a shower, I have one of my kits and a towel on the side for you to change into" you nod and Leah runs down stairs to get some hot water and cotton pads.

" right this is going to sting but we are here" Lucy says whilst Leah rushes back in to the room. Lucy bathes your head. Sharp pains hit your forehead causing you to wince a little bit but your use to the pain, she seems confused to why your so calm.

" y/n you can sleep in here tonight and we will talk about it all in the morning is that ok??? If you need anything we are in the room next door." Hesitant to leave the girls get up and wonder over to the door.

"please stay, I'm scared I've not felt this safe before please" you beg. This isn't like you you'd never ask for help but for some reason being in Lucy's arms brought you comfort you've never experienced before.

" leah are you ok in the spare bedroom for the-" You cut Lucy off, "No I want you to both stay please" once again you are begging the two girls you've only just met to stay with you.

Leah and Lucy slowly approach the bed getting in both sides of you. Lucy wraps her arms around your small framed body, Leah does the same. Within seconds of your head resting on Lucy's chest you fall asleep.


******* 8am 9th july 2021*******

There's a knock at the door.

" it must be the arsenal girls. Why don't we leave her in bed and we will come up to check on her in a min." Lucy nods and they make their way over to the front door.Lucy opens the door and sees the girls. One by one they walk in, katie first followed by Beth, viv, Jordan, Jen, Alessia, Lotte and Kim.

"is eveything ok you two we got the urgent message" katie says in a concerned voice looking around to see what the issue is.

Lucy guide the girls towards the sofa."I think we should go sit down and I'll explain."They all look worried, but follow Lucy and Leah to the front room where they all cram on the three sofas.

"spill it Lucy we are getting worried." She looks around to find All the girls nodding in agreement.

" well the thing is, I have a daughter" they all look at Lucy in shock which is no surprise really as the only people that knew is Leah and lucys mum.

" sorry what?? When did this happen" the captain kim exclaims. Everyone is still she'll shocked. She's never said it out load before bar Leah obviously.

Lucy gulps taking in a huge breath and cuts to the chase." to cut a long story short I got pregnant at 15, I was young and my football career had just started to take off, me and my mum discussed that it would be better to give her up for adoption. I was young and scared and football was my dream, I still had school and a part time job at my local shop it was difficult" she blurts out not giving room to breath.

Jen is always the understanding one of the girls and decides to talk first to break the silence of the big news Lucy just revealed."Lucy you don't need to explain your self we are here for you."

Lucy takes another big breath " well that's not all.. " Lucy looks down at her hands and starts to play with them. Her mind is in over drive scared of how the team are going to react towards her. Leah grabs her hands and carries on what Lucy was trying to say.

Leah gives lucy a nod confirming that she will carry on the talk "basically we went to my mums last night we left at 2am and on the way home we saw a girl curled up on the bench fast asleep covered in cuts and bruises, she's only young so we picked her up and took her home as it wasn't safe to be on the streets." She says realising how crazy the past 12 hours have been.

Viv being quick on the matter whispers into Lucy's ear "omg is she ok, wait she's here ??"

"yes she's in my bed as we speak. But anyway guys let me finish. Leah asked her what her name was and she said y/n bronze that's the name I gave my child when I gave her up" lucy looks up at the girls revealing There big smiles and jumping up to give Lucy a massive hug.

" we are so proud of you girl, we are all here to support you and help you through it," Alessia says patting lucy on the back.

Katie being the big kid she is jumps up and down. "we can all take it in turns to take her out show her round, I can't wait to be auntie Katie" she laugh's excitedly.


A/N sorry it took so long, been so poorly but I'm back, have so much to publish. Hope your enjoying it xxx

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