Brooklyn 20 years ago

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The universal logo, Illumination logo and Nintendo logo plays.

Then scene starts with rain pouring in what appeared to be Brooklyn.

over cables, steel and brick, awash in a
torrent of rain.

Brooklyn 20 years.....before the super Mario brothers.

Universal pictures and Nintendo presents:

A BLACK BOOT hits a puddle. Tilt up on a dark figure, gazing at the New York skyline.

From Illumination pictures

It was a beautiful women with golden curly hair and in a red cloak, she looks back to see if she was being followed, she was holding something in her arms.

A shigeru miyamoto and Chris meledandri production:

Lightning silhouettes the spires of a Gothic church. Rain overflows the gutters. As the breathless Young women walks up to the church and begins pounding on the door, as she places the strange object she was holding on the doorsteps, glancing back. She tenderly places a bundle on the steps as she she does so, she puts a crystal inside the blanket, then races off. Nuns open the door and look down.

Headlights flare, a Car Skids The woman dodges traffic: "Hey, lady, what are you doing!"

Down the tracks, the woman pulls away some boards and enters an abandoned tunnel, shored up by rotting beams. She moves toward a distinctive rock formation at the end.

But then, she gets surrounded by koopas
dark figure overtakes her, spins her to face him.
Handsome and intense, almost hypnotic, this is the original king of the koopas.

"King Brutus?"

"Where is the child? Queen Ericka" voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson

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"Where is the child? Queen Ericka" voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson

the woman won't speak. She tries to wrench free but the king taunts her with a stare and she glared at him.

"Somewhere safe where you can't hurt her"

King Brutus bows his head down to her level, "I dealt with the king you husband, I can do the same to you too, now Where's the rock?!" He demanded.

"I will never tell you"

"the Sarasaland...will be mine"

"As long as the princess is alive, the Sarasaland kingdom will stand tall and you will never take that away"

"I will have Sarasaland even if I have to kill the royal family one my one, I will find the princess and you will be at my mercy...take her away and eliminate her"

The koopas take queen Erika and she starts to panicked as the king heads back to their world.

"What? No!"


He magically appeared next to him, riding on a broom.

"Yes sire?"

"What is on my agenda?"

"Today the king of juassrians wants to see you about a truce"

"A truce you say?"

"Yes, he says he has a proposal for you that you won't refuse"

"Hmm, very well, assemble the army and...get bowser ready"

"Yes sire" kamek disappeared.

"I will have the Sarasalands, even if I have to find the princess and kill her myself, Sarasaland...will be mine"

The nuns excitedly unwrap the bundle: Inside is a beautiful baby girl, and around her neck was a gem-like stone.

"Aw" all the nuns were bewitched by her beauty, she opens her eyes and around her surroundings she smiles.

That is when the adventure begins:


THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now