dinner proposal

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At bowser's place, bowser just had gave phiariah a tour of their castle.

They sat on the sofa when the koopa guards brought Yoshi, he was still suffering from Sophia's death.

"Phiariah this is Yoshi our royal pet"

"Oh he is such darling, come here little one" she reached out to pet him.

But he growled mad bit her hand, "OW!" She takes her hand back, "he bit me"

She cradled her arm and bowser looked at Yoshi and glared at him.

"You ungrateful little reject" then he smacked Yoshi across the room, he whined and ran away.

"Bad dinosaur" then he turns to his princess comforting her.

"You alright phiariah?"

"I'm fine I'm sure he didn't mean it"

Bowser looks at Yoshi and snorted smoke to show he was furious.

Then Ursula showed up when she saw phiariah she immediately got angry.

"Who is this?"

"Ah, Ursula this is phiariah your new queen, phiariah this is Ursula my secretary and you're dinosaur lady in waiting, she will server you too"

Ursula was furious as she takes a knife from behind her back.

"I serve no one" She tries to attack phiariah but phiariah got the iPhone by using her strength to throw her back.

"She will do nicely" phiariah gets on Ursula and starts eating her alive.

"Wait what are you doing-AH!"

As Ursula cried for help when phiariah tears her flesh off, bowser watched with a heavenly sigh and glaze.

"You were as cute eating living creatures as the day I met you"

The kids gathered aroundeveryw to watch, "I see what you see in her dad" jr. says cupping his dad's shoulders.

Back with the brothers, "Look, sniff-its. We'll hijack a sludge gulper and drive into the city" wario says.

"Then what?" Mario asked.

"First we get you guys disguises because bowser has wanted poster ads of you guys plastered all over the city" waluigi says

"Yeah and he's gonna have goombas all over the city" wario added.

"Ok" Mario says.

"And after that we'll take you to the tower where your girls are at, assuming you will help us" waluigi says.

"Hey! When I make a promise I never break it" Mario says, "let's go, Get your wrench Luigi"

Two creatures were going through some stuff when Mario and Luigi we're behind the two of them, they turned around and get knocked out then the Mario bros and wario bros get in the truck.

"It's clear. All clear. We did it Mario" Luigi says.

"Yeah! I'm brilliant!"

"For plumbers, you guys are quite acceptable" wario says.

"Yeah so are you guys" Mario hated to admit it.

Back with the royal koopa family, the family gathered together for a family dinner.

It was something bowser hasn't done in awhile, everyone gathered around for dinner, on the menu was meat.

Bowser looked around, it made him smiled to see his family together, it's everything he ever wanted, he sees phiariah talking to the kids and jr.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now