Mother and sons and brothers

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In a busted down red chevron car, daisy was passing by.

She was finding a dress for her date with Luigi but In the darkness of the dark two mysterious figures were watching her in the car.

"There she is" a voice sound like Danny davito

"You sure this is the right one, last time the boss got angry" said another voice that is Ryan gosling

"I'm sure this one is right"

"Ok, should we get her then" a gloved hand opens the door but gets pulled.

"No! Are you crazy, we can't grab her not when there are all these witnesses around, you wanna get caught like last time, plus with word about the missing girls out it's not safe, no tonight we grab her" the car takes off.

Meanwhile the super Mario brothers were driving around town, Luigi was freaking out.

"How could you do this to me man" Luigi groans.

"What? What would you do without your big brother, huh?"

"Now she's gonna think I'm a complete idiot"

"Come on. You'll see her tonight. You impress her with your manners"

"I can't do this, maybe you should come with me, you're better with talking to women"

"Ah-ah, this is your date, it's your time to shine little bro"

"I can't, you know I'm not good with girls, even in high school you were always the ladies's man, ugh who am I kidding"

Suddenly Sophia calls, "hey" Mario says,

"Hey guys what's up"

"Just trying to get Luigi ready for his date"



"Luigi's got a date, that's so cute, what's her name" she was working in the hospital on some paperwork.


"Daisy? Is she cute?"


"But Luigi is too nervous to go on a date with her"


"Because, I'm a loser, I was a loser vack in high school and I still am now, I never had any chances with any girls, Mario got lucky with a princess and you're married to a kong, what do I got"

Mario and Sophia were concerned about Luigi, "Luigi that's not true, any girl would be lucky enough to have you and if this daisy likes you for as you as then maybe she can finally be the one"

"That's sis"

"So what time do you want us to pick you up" Mario asked.

"Actually, something came up, I'm gonna be working late"


"Yeah it looks I'll be working at night"

"What Sophia no that's not a good idea" Mario was worried with the lost Brooklyn girls.

"What do you mean?"

"Haven't you been watching the news or heard what happened"

"I know about the lost Brooklyn girls"

"I don't think you should be working late"

"Look if you're worried that I'm gonna get kidnapped-"

"I'm especially worried about that, I just-I don't wanna lose you again" he had a bit sincere in his voice.

"I don't want you to worry about me, I'll be fine I been through worst"

"I have to worry, it's my job as your big brother"

"We're the super Mario siblings what can happen"

"Alright you just be careful little sis"

"I will, I promise-"

She gets from her seat and as she turns around she gets startled by Antonio Scapelli.

"AH!" She drops her phone when she sees him staring at her.

"Oh, mr. Scapelli, It's you, you scared me, what Can i do you for?"

But all Scapelli can do is look at her he had a sad frown.

"I just wanted to say I'm very proud of you"

"Uh, thank you"

"You are the best doctors here"

"Thank you mr. Scapelli, it's what I do, I help people-"

"I want you to know, I'm so been proud of you"

"Oh, thank you, I guess, is everything alright mr. Scapelli-"

And out of surprise, he wraps himself around her and he hugs her, she was surprised and weirded out.

But Antonio Scapelli aka. Bowser jr, was in pain, she didn't know who he was, swallowing in pity.

Then he quickly lets go of her and she pulls away.

"Uh sorry mr. Scapelli, but i have a husband" she thinks he's trying to hit on her.

But Antonio walks away says, "you deserve better"

"Why does everyone keep saying that"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now