The tar pit

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"We're back at the police station"

"It's good to see you guys" toad said as they ran trying to hide.

"Hey, Mario, look at this. These little mushroom things on the fungus"

"Great. A building with athlete's foot! Anyway toad what are you doing here?"

"Hey, look at that" Luigi sees the fungi dropping a small bomb omb.

"The princess got captured"

"What princess peach is here?"mario asked.

"Yeah so I went to go save her, what are you guys doing here"

"We're here to save Sophia again" Mario says.

"And my new girlfriend daisy"

Suddenly toad's face dropped and he squeals in joy.

"You're here to save your girlfriend too, so am I "

"Huh?" The brothers were surprised.

"You have a girlfriend" Mario asked.

"Yes, here name is toadette I can't wait for you guys to meet her, you're gonna love her"

"What is that?" Luigi tries to take the bomb then goombas were coming.

"Goombas. Come on, let's go!"

"Oh right if we get out of here alive" toad ran when Mario grabs Luigi.

"Look, he was trying to give us that thing"

"Hang on" they grabbed on to a pulley abs starts swinging.

"Swing! Keep swingin'" Mario says.

"I'm swingin', I'm swingin'!" Luigi panicked.

"Just keep hanging. Close your eyes"

The other prisoners saw and soon started a riot.

"Hey! Look at these dudes"


Prisoners cheered for them when the goombas tried to blast at them.

"LOOK OUT!" Luigi screams

"Hang on" toad says

"Hey, man, this is fun!"

"What was that?"

"Get ready you guys" toad says.

"You ready Luigi?" Mario asked.

"I'm ready, I'm ready...ready for what?"

"Let go! Now!" Toad shouts and they landed.

"Right. Which door?"

"this one's

"Let's go in this one"

"Come on" toad leads them to the other police cars.

"We're coming" Mario says.

"Here we are"

"They got us. What are we gonna do?" Luigi asked.

Then Mario sees toad getting in one of the cars, "toad what are you doing?" Mario asked.

"we steal this car"


"I'm driving" toad says.

"But we can't-" but before Luigi could say anything they see police and goombas coming in.

"All right, whatever. Come on! But I'm driving" Mario takes the drivers seat.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now