Wanted by koopa

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"That's right. The Koopa man is looking for a couple of plumbers. And there's a big coin reward. 2,000 gold Koopa coins. Guess he must have a serious plumbing problem"

Mario and Luigi were hiding when they hear their names and descriptions being told, they were now wanted which will make It easier for them to get caught.

"Oh no Mario what will be do?" Luigi asked.

"I don't know but with that big turtle putting a bounty on us, we need to stay inconspicuous without raising any attention"

Then Luigi spotted a shop with a pair of beige trench coat and fedoras.

"Mario look" Luigi pointed.

"20 Koopons, spiny burger here. Fried tweeter, only 20 Koopons. You like little wigglers?"

They walked through the streets of the hybrids trying to avoid eye contact to avoid getting caught that's when they see a hybrid dinosaur with a guitar singing.

♪ Ain't got no water anywhere

♪ Food's scarce, so's the air

♪ Got no resources, in a great big stupor

♪ All because of the evil King Koopa ♪

"Agh!" But a t-Rex hybrid policeman starts to arrest him.

" You know the law, Toad"

"Hey, wait a minute. You can't arrest a guy for just singing a song" Mario tries to stop him.

"For anti-Koopa songs we can" suddenly the officer recognize the plumbers, "Aha! Plumbers!"

"Uh-oh" the boys tries to escape but they get surrounded and being forced in the car.

"Hey let us go" Luigi says.

"Unhand us" Mario says.

"Get in the car. Get in there, plumber!"

Meanwhile daisy is being pushed by two Dinosaur guards in red suits with black boots and gloves.

"Stop pushing me! Let me go!" She was put in the cell and she finds herself in the cell with the the lost Brooklyn girls.

But not only type lost Brooklyn girls are in prison but so is princess peach.

She was in her motorcycle pink and white wear, when she saw daisy she approached her.

"Hello I'm princess peach"

"Hi, I'm daisy, I'm not a princess"

"So he's captured another one"

"Another one? Wait who's he?"

"A powerful turtle named bowser is looking for a girl named"

They suddenly heard struggles and they see Sophia being grabbed and pushed in the cell with the rest.

"UGH, let me go" she fell to the ground turn she gets up surprised to see peach.

"Princess peach?"

"Sophia" both ladies ran to each other and they share a hug.

"Are you ok" princess peach asked.

"No, those goons kidnapped me"

"There is something you should know"


"Bowser's back"

This news shocked Sophia very badly, "what? It can't be, no"

Then she see daisy looking at her, "you must be daisy" she asked.


"I'm Luigi's sister, he's told me a lot about you" they shook hands.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now