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Later that night, it was time for Luigi's big date.

He more nervous then before, he was wearing a green tuxedo vest, Mario walking him to daisy's place.

"I'm not sure about this Mario, maybe you should come with us, you're so good at talking"

"Now come on baby bro this your date"

"But what if I don't know what to say"

"Luigi, there's gonna become a day when you are gonna not need me anymore, you got this"

Then suddenly her door opened and she was wearing a yellow mini dress, it was appealing to Luigi's eyes.

"Hi" he smiles nervously.

"Hi Luigi, you look great"

Luigi gawks at her when Mario nudged his shoulders, snapping his out of it.

"Oh thanks, you-you look great too" they just stared at each other when Mario gets ready to leave.

"Well you too have a lot to talk about, I should get going now, bye, and Luigi I want details later"

Later on Luigi and daisy were at a nice Italian restaurant.

"This is nice" daisy says.

"Yeah it is, this restaurant owes me after me and Mario fixed their plumbing issues"

"It must be nice to be known as the hero who saved Brooklyn"

"Well I wouldn't say hero per say it was all my brother Mario"

She raised an eyebrow, "you're kidding, from what I heard I know what you did"

"Huh?" He nearly chocked on his drink.

"You saved your brother before he could incinerated and help defeated that large turtle, that was so sweet of you to do, your family must be proud"

"They sure are"

"Makes me wish I knew who my family was"

"Huh? You don't have a family?"

"Well no, i was left at the orphanage when I was a baby, the only thing I have left is this necklace" she shows him her crying stone necklace.

"Wow it's just as beautiful as you are"

She blushed from his comments, "you're so sweet Luigi, and brave too"

"Yeah, brave" he chuckles nervously.

"Why don't you tell me more about yourself"

"Me, well I have a sister"

Back with Sophia, she just finished her Night Shift.

She exits out the building when suddenly someone was behind her, It was a silhouette of Mario but something was wrong.

Sophia walks but she heard footsteps following her.

"Huh?" She turns around and was relieved to think it was Mario.

"Mario it's just you, you scared me, what are you doing?" She approached the shadow but it just stared at her.

"If you're worried about me I'll be fine"

But as soon as she got close, the mysterious figure steps out of the shadow and Sophia's face dropped.

"You're not Mario, who are you?"

Mario was in the van, waiting when he suddenly got a phone call from Sophia.

"Hey little sis what's up"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now