The final battle

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"You two destroyed everything!" Bowser was so furious, he smashed everything along his way outside in the streets of the city trying to eliminate Mario and Luigi.

"You took everything away from me, I was finally gonna be happy! But you wouldn't just give up! You took away my wife, you killed my children, you incinerated my first son and you took away my babies, they just had their whole lives ahead of them"

"Well now you know how we felt when you took Sophia away"

"You my happiness away and now you will suffer like I have"

The girl ran out and when they see bowser smacking Mario with his tail, he turns towards Luigi.

"LUIGI!" Daisy panicked.

Bowser turns around and when he saw daisy he smiled sinisterly.

"You took away the one I loved now I'm gonna go the same to you" he approached daisy.

"DAISY!" Luigi panicked.

But when he revealed her name, bowser smiled.


"I have finally found you"

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"I have finally found you"

Luigi gets angry and ran to bowser but he gets grabbed by his throat and bowser lifts him up strangling him.


"If you hurt her if gonna-ah!" But bowser throws to a glass window with rocker boots.

"Luigi!" Daisy got worried and confront bowser.

"Hey! You leave my boyfriend alone you overgrowth turtle"

"Well if it isn't the princess of Sarasaland, I heard so much about you and I just been dying to meet you" he approached her slowly, she backs up.

"After I get rid of you, taking over this kindgdom will be easy and once I kill you plumber boyfriend, THERE WILL BR NO ONE LEFT TO STOP ME!"

Luigi looks at the rocket boot and he gets an idea as soon as bowser raise his claw, Luigi ignites the boot and aims it at bowser.

"Back off bowser" the boot hits bowser and he rails off the railing landing in a large container.

He lifts himself up and general koopa approached him.

"What is it now?"

"The goombas are dancing again. Sir"

"Deal with it" he glared at Mario and Luigi as Mario takes down two goombas.

"Die, plumbers!" Bower shoots fireballs at them.

"AH!" Mario Luigi daisy and peach moved in different directions.

"Ok it's time we end this" Mario gets ready to finish bowser in a showdown that's when Luigi hands him mis tool bag.


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