the last crash of the wedding crashers

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Peach and toad take Mario and Luigi to another room.

Where hanging up above from a pipe is fungus.

"I like you to meet, the king, or so what's let of him"

"The king?" The boys were shocked.

"Daisy this is your father"

Daisy was in shocked as she approached the fungus.

"Father?" She reaches out to touch it.

Luigi was shocked but Mario was weirded out.

"Your dad is the king? This is the king" Luigi says.

"What happened to him?" Mario asked.

"He used to be the leader here, until the Koopas before bowser turned him into all this...fungus. The queen died trying to smuggle you to the other world"

"Wait, you mean she's not-" but before Luigi could say anything.

"She's not from your world, she's from our world" peach says.

"I always wondered why I was different from everyone else and whatever happened to my parents"

"Well, it's an honour to meet you, sir, and a pleasure and I just wanna thank you for all your help. And I really like your daughter she is an amazing woman, if you would let me" Luigi approached the fungus.

"Come on, Luigi, you're talking a mushroom" Mario says.

"Mario, don't you see? It's been trying to help us all along, giving us the little things, when we were hanging there. He wants to take down bowser too"

Mario thought for a minute, "come on, we need to hurry it's not too late and you three need to get out of here before bowser finds you and locks you away again" they both rushed out.

But at the front door was a goomba, "goombas!" Luigi panicked then he gets picked up and the goomba starts strangling him.

"Luigi" daisy panicked then she ran and started kicking the goomba.

"You leave my boyfriend alone"

Luigi was amazed then he smiled, "boyfriend?" the goomba drops Luigi and tries to grab daisy.


"Hey! If you touch her I'll kill you" he grabs in a lamp up above and as he swings he kicks the goomba.

"Come on, you three need to get out of here now" Mario commanded.

"Are you ok" Luigi checks on daisy.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you?"

"Yes I'm alright, you need to go now"

But as they left, the girls were left with each other and toad.

"Toad you need to go now, take daisy with you" peach says.



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