The hard truth

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In the elevator, the goombas danced not knowing that the Mario bros escaped through the air vent.

After Luigi helped Mario help, Mario pulls him up.

Then the goombas started dancing with each other then the elevator opens, general koopa blue shell had his eyes open wide when he saw the goombas dancing.

"HEY! Ten hut!"

All the goombas stopped and paid attention to him.

"What do you think you're all doing, get on out of there go on shoo, get back to work, what do you think this is a bar or something" the goombas exited the elevator.

"How did you know they'd do that?" Mario asked as they ran in the vents.

"Cos everybody loves to dance, that's why" Luigi says.

"A dancing lizard like dancing crocodiles. Oh!" But they stopped when they came across a big gap.

"Oh wow! Oh man!"

"Oh, I hate heights. How are we gonna get across?" Luigi said.

"I don't know, here let me think"

But then Luigi sees the flower in Mario's pocket he remembers daisy then he tiled his hat down and he backs up a bit.

"Ok so here's what we'll do....Luigi? What are you doing?"

"For daisy"

"What are you crazy? Your not thinking about jumping are you?"

"Come on. Somebody's gotta do it. I don't got no choice, right?"

"Luigi wait"

"For daisy" Luigi shouts as he ran, he jumped and grabs on to a hook.

"Look Mario I did it, I did it" he laughed and cheered.

"Woo hoo"

"Come on, jump and I'll catch ya"

"Ok ok" Mario backs up to get in a running place then he ran and when he reaches out for Luigi, he missed and ended up falling down.



As Mario fell, he bounced on the fungus and flew back up and Luigi grabbed him, the boys cheered.

"Woo hoo"

"I got you Mario, see I told ya it would work"

"I high five ya, but then you would be an only brother"

"Let's swing over there, yeah?"

"Come on Let's go get our sister"

"And Daisy and the girls"

Luigi tries to swing Mario to the other side then back in the prison cell, the temperature dropped and the girls were freezing.

"Can't we get some blankets" daisy says.

"Yeah, we're freezing"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now