Times changed

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Times have changed for the Mario brothers, in the mushroom kingdom, the guys were getting ready as they gathered up their equipment.

"You ready Luigi" Mario stands tall.

"Ready" Luigi grabs their bag and they fist pump each other.

They ran through the kingdom and hopped through a warp pipe.

"Hey I wonder how Sophia's doing"

They had another job, a plumbing job and going the warp pipe we see the jungle kingdom.

And going inside it, IN the arena dk was battling a alligator who is challenging him.

As he fights him, Sophia was getting ready to leave for work as one of the best doctors in Brooklyn.

She watch her husband with the old king cranky Kong and their daughter Gigi dk showing off his muscles.

He turns to Sophia waving who just looks playfully annoyed, but his dad was even more annoyed.

"SON! You need to stop showboating, you're married now and with a child"

"Come on, they like it, it's what they came here for, dancing pecs"

"Hey! Only I get to see those" Sophia puts her hands on her hips.

"Ok bye honey"

"Bye baby" she blows him a kiss and he puts it over his heart.

"I got to go now, bye cranky kong bye baby" she waves at cranky kong and Gigi.

"Bye, say good bye to your mother" he takes Gigi's hand and waves bye.

It but as she turns around, she comes across an old shell, it was Yoshi's and it got her thinking of bowser jr, she frowns sadly, then cranky kong walks over to her, he can feel her pain and distressed and overs her comfort with a hand on her shoulder.

She turns to him who had a soft some that said: it's for the best, so she returns the smile and heads out.

Back with the Mario bros they reach at the end of the warp back to their universe.

"WOO HOO" they both cheered as their made to the Brooklyn sewers and on the same time Sophia arrived.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Sophia"

"Hey little sis"

The three siblings emerged in a hug, and after some rambling of greeting, they head out of the sewers.

"How you guys been?" Sophia asked.

"Oh we been pretty good, how's Gigi?" Mario asked.

"Oh she's doing good"

"Well it's good to know our niece is doing ok" Luigi says, "speaking of, how's Yoshi?"

But she suddenly frowns, "what? What's wrong sis?" Mario touches her shoulders.

"I haven't see Yoshi in awhile, he's been missing for weeks"

"What?" Mario and Luigi were shocked.

"I don't know where he went and I'm worried Mario" he could sense his sister was in deep distress all he can do is support her.

"Don't worry sis I'm sure he'll show up eventually" Mario assured.

"I sure hope he's ok"

"Come we got to get going now"

On the surface, in a alleyway, where the Mario bros van and a motorcycle, the bros get in.

"You want us to drive you to work Sophia" Luigi offered.

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now