Getting in koopa's tower

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Mario Luigi wario and waluigi were now in the city, wario and waluigi were looking out for goombas.

"Ok the close is clear" wario motioned Mario and Luigi, he were hiding behind a alleyway, they were dressed in trench coats again with fedora.

"So what can you tell us about koopa jr" Mario asked about Jr.

"Well When Boris koopa died and bowser took off, he had this device he got from king boo that Can aged the aging process, in fact he did that to his other Koopalings and you know Anthony Scapelli from your world"


"Well he's bowser jr in disguise"

The two bros were in shocked; "I knew he looked familiar" Luigi says.

"Ok you guys, the tower is just all the way down" wario pointed at the tower was all the way down the street.

They ran but then coming out of the corner was a goomba looking for them.

"Ah" they all get startled and backed away.

"Quickly into the boom boom bar" wario rushed them into the city's local bar.

But as soon as they closed the doors, the four of them looked open wide to see everyone looking at them.

"It's the plumbers" a lady yelled and everyone panicked.

"Someone call the general"

"Uh oh" Luigi says.

"Quickly guys get out of here, we'll divert them, exit through the dumpster chute and go through the pipes underneath the building, the girls are hidden in the goomba barracks on the 51st floor. We'll meet you guys there with the keys" wario says.

"Ok we'll see you guys there, come on toad" Mario Luigi and toad exit through the chute but Luigi sees the fungus giving him a bomb omb.

"Look, look! Look, another one! Wait, Mario, I think it wants me to take it"

"Stop fiddling with the fungus, and let's get outta here" Mario pulls on Luigi arm as he takes the bomb omb and fell through the chute and into a dumpster.

"Ugh" they get and were disgusted as Luigi flickered a fish bone off his shoulders.

Then they ran and looked up at the koopa tower.

"Daisy's in there somewhere, I know it" Luigi says.

"Yeah so are the other girls" Mario says, suddenly Sophia's flower flew down to his feet, Mario picked it up.

"What is it Mario?" Luigi grabbed his shoulders.

"It's Sophia's flower"

"Huh? I'm surprised he kept it considering the fact that she doesn't love him"

"Uh guys, Where do we start?" Toad asked.

Mario puts tgg her flower in his pocket and sees an open vent and he goes through it, "here this way" Mario says and they began to claw their way in.

"Ok toad you stay hidden in these vents keep an eye out for our doubles and when you find them meet us in the prison cell" Mario says.

"On it"

"Come on Luigi this way"

They reach the end and fell right down the pipes.

"Look at this. It's a plumber's nightmare"

"Tell me about it, These pipes haven't been serviced for years. Must've been a non-union job"

THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE 4: rise of the koopalingsWhere stories live. Discover now