Goodbye super mario

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"Mama" Sophia lols up to see Yoshi running towards her.

"YOSHI!" She was relieved to see as he was to see her alive, she opened her arms and they hugged.

"I'm happy to see you too"

The Mario bros siblings turn to see peach and daisy and the four them help Sophia and take her outside where the crowd cheered for them, then they see wario and waluigi.

"We did good" wario says.

"We?" Mario aksed.

"What? Aw come on you mean to tell me that after everything we did you still don't trust us" waluigi says.

"You kidnapped our sister" Mario says.

"Oh give us a break" wario says.

"Not bad you guys" peach says.

But then Sophia turns to see the clothes and ashes of bowser jr, she approached it feeling sad that jr was gone, she was comfort by her brother Mario as he grabs her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Sophia at least you have your other two" Mario says.

"Yeah I just wish Jr could've understand"

But as they walked away there was movement underneath the clothes and they heard baby babbling.


They turned to see jr was alive and he was a baby again, he crawled out of his old clothes and when he saw Sophia, he reaches out for her.


Sophia picks him up and Carried him, she and Mario look at him.

Then she frowns as she saw the ashes to where bowser exploded, she approached it, but she looks at her baby: jr, and realized it was time to move on, bowser was gone for good.

"Bowser maybe gone but at least he won't hurt us shams this time I'm taking jr home at least I can raise him right"

"Maybe I could help" peach touches her shoulders.

"I'm just glad that over grown turtle is finally gone" Luigi says.

"Oh by the way Sophia, I think this belongs to you" Mario hands her hibiscus flower back.

"Thanks Mario" and surprised she wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him.

"Thanks for everything"

"Come on sis you know I wouldn't let anything happen to ya" Mario says.

"Me neither" Luigi says and the three of them chuckled.

Just then the king approached them and when he saw daisy for the first time, he was in awed.

"Daisy, my daughter, you are just as beautiful as your mother"

"Dad" she smiled and she and the king reunited in a hug.

Then as they let go, the king looks at Mario and Luigi.

"Thank you two plumbers for everything, you are the bravest men I ever seen, especially you Luigi, you are indeed the bravest plumber I ever met"

"It was nothing sir"

"You are welcomed to sarasaland, is there anyway I can repay you for being my daughter back and saving our kingdom"

This was such an big generous offer from the king, but there was one thing Luigi wanted and he looks at daisy.

"Well actually sir, there is only one thing I want, I like to date your daughter princess daisy, if you will let me, because I think she is amazing"

The king thought for a moment and he smiled.

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